Dummycrat (dummy + Democrat)

“Dummycrat” (dummy + Democrat) is an epithet used by speakers who believe that the Democrats are dumb. The term “Dummycrat” dates in print to at least 1857 and was used to attack Roosevelt Democrats in 1936.
The similar term “Dumbocrat” dates in print to the late 19th century.
Urban Dictionary
Stupid Democrat
Todd H Stroger is a Dummycrat
by pootmole Jul 24, 2009
Google Books
Black Diamonds:
or, humor, satire, and sentiment, treated scientifically

By Julius Caesar Hannibal
New York, NY: A. Ranney
Pg. 209:
On de odder side ob de house, de Dummycrats hab gained de day,...
17 July 1897, Bath (ME) Independent, pg. 2, col. 2:
“A politishun ort ter be able ter stan a little heat ez trainin fer the future,” I replied and I added thet I’d got ter hev thet job ef I kept thet furnis agoin awl summer and roastedall the Dummycrats a drawin seleries in the Fort.
16 July 1936, Oakland (CA) Tribune, pg. 8, col. 7:
Contempt for “Dummycrats”
Is Renewed at Convention

CLEVELAND, July 16.—Dr. Clinton Wunder, Townsend eastern regional director, today took up the convention attack on the Roosevelt administration where Father Coughlin left off.
“The ‘Dummycrats’ in Washington have cited Dr. Townsend, John Kiefer, of Chicago, a Townsend director and me for contempt,” said Wunder, “and what our contempt is for those ‘Dummycrats’ in Washington!”
27 December 1987, Sacramento (CA) Bee, pg. A1:
With an approach that often includes a hug and a gentle gibe like, “He’s a Dummycrat, just like my husband,’’ Rose is constantly needling people to…
15 June 1988, Fayetteville (NC) Observer:
I have just finished watching the David Brinkley Report on ABC. It is quite refreshing to watch a certain Speaker of the House of Representatives squirm for a change. And wouldn’t you know the “esteemed” speaker is a Dummycrat.