Dumbassador (dumbass + ambassador)

“Dumbassador” (dumbass + ambassador) is an unflattering term for an ambassador, used to a describe diplomat who represents a nation or a representative of an organization or cause. ‘Dumbassador” has been cited in print since at least 2001.
Urban Dictionary
A combination of the words dumbass and ambassador.
Refers to people that speak, act or behave in such a moronic manner, that one might think they were to represent all stupid morons in this world.
this guy is really stupid. i think he’s a dumbassador.
by Turd54ndw1ch Nov 20, 2009
Rotten eCards
ecard text: I shall call you ‘Dumbassador’: A combination of the words dumbass and ambassador. Refers to people that speak, act, or behave in such a moronic way that some feel they might represent every idiot in the world.
Google Groups: rec.martial-arts
David Williams
Except his peers would not like how he keeps calling them Dumbassadors or his other favorite: Dambassadors
Google Books: rec.bicycles.racing
Carl Sundquist
Do some of Bush’s ambassador appointments make our posts in foreign countries “dumbassies” or just “dumbassadors”?
04-08-2011 03:34 AM
Thought of another question: What do you hope to accomplish by being NDSU’s unofficial dumbassador on all those boards?
Female First
Stuck Angelina Jolie found after 2 days
by A$$ociated Press » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:23 pm
American tabloid superstar and Goodwill Dumbassador who had been stranded in her truck since Wednesday was found unharmed on Thursday night by search and rescue crews.
September 13, 2012, - 5:26 pm
Impeach Anne Patterson: US Egypt Amb Ordered NO LIVE AMMO for Marines, Relied on Muslim Bro’Hood for Security (WTF?!)
By Debbie Schlussel
How the hell is Dumbassador Anne Patterson still the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt? This woman is a moron-ette extraordinaire. She clearly doesn’t give a damn about American lives, American sovereignty, or much of anything else.