“Dry pet food is basically meat cereal” (“Dog food is just meat cereal”)

Dry pet food, such as dog food, has often been described as “meat cereal.” “Sometimes I catch myself eating the dog food.  With a little milk it’s like meat cereal” was posted on Twitter on July 8, 2011. “Dog food = meat cereal” was posted on Twitter on April 1, 2012. “Dog food is like meat cereal” was posted on Twitter on July 21, 2012.
“If you really think about it dry pet food is basically like meat cereal” was posted on Twitter on February 1, 2014. “Dry dog food is like….meat cereal” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on March 15, 2015.
Dillon Shaw‏
“Sometimes I catch myself eating the dog food.  With a little milk it’s like meat cereal.” - @jaredpnorris
6:50 AM - 8 Jul 2011
Dog food = meat cereal
11:28 AM - 1 Apr 2012
#Cosign hahaha “@b34nDiP: Dog food is like meat cereal”
1:40 AM - 21 Jul 2012
dog food is just meat cereal
12:43 PM - 4 Nov 2012
Dog food is like meat cereal 😷💩
11:35 PM - 27 Jun 2013
shut up‏
If you really think about it dry pet food is basically like meat cereal
7:31 PM - 1 Feb 2014
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Dry dog food is like….meat cereal
submitted March 15, 2015 by procupine14
Rorye Hatcher‏
Do you ever think about the fact that pet food is just, like, meat cereal?
3:04 AM - 26 Apr 2015
Hussalonia® Founder‏
Pet food is essentially meat cereal.
4:23 PM - 3 Aug 2015
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Dog food is just meat cereal
submitted April 5, 2016 by pantyraid7036
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Dog food is really just meat cereal.
submitted April 11, 2016 by sarcasm_itsagift
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Dry dog food is just meat cereal without any milk.
submitted October 30, 2016 by inevitableanxiety
New Year New Beer‏
pet food is like… meat cereal i guess?
4:45 PM - 25 Aug 2017
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Dry dog food is just meat cereal
submitted October 25, 2017 by SomeLAgirl
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Dry pet food is basically just meat cereal.
submitted January 11, 2018 by birddoggydog