
“Drunkorexia” (drunk + anorexia) describes a condition where a person cuts back on food to go binge drinking. “Drunkorexia” has been cited in print since at least 2007.
Wikipedia: Drunkorexia
Drunkorexia is a colloquialism for self-imposed starvation or binge eating/purging combined with alcohol abuse.
Research on the combination of an eating disorder and binge drinking has primarily focused on the patterns of college-aged women, but the phenomenon has also been noted among young men. Studies show that college students engage in this combination of self-imposed malnutrition and binge drinking to avoid weight gain from alcohol. A study by the University of Missouri found that 30% of female college students admitted that within the last year they had restricted food in order to consume greater quantities of alcohol. The same study found that men are more likely engage in similar behavior in order to save money for purchasing alcohol. According to the study, 67% of students who restrict calories prior to alcohol consumption do so to prevent weight gain, while 21% did so to facilitate alcohol intoxication.

According to the Eating Disorder Center of Denver, of the participating college-aged females in an adjunct research study, about 75% met the criteria for alcohol abuse.
‘Showbuzz’, a CBS news site, has broadcasted that, “Drunkorexia is a media coined term reflecting an alarmingly real trend among young women. The non-medical slang term refers to women who choose to eat less so they can party without gaining weight.”
5 Resolutions to Transform the Fashion and Beauty Industries
Drunkorexia: Starving and Boozing
First there was diabulimia. Now there is drunkorexia—another new and buzzworthy term for some not-so-new behavior. According to this report on The Morning Show (featuring our friend Sondra Kronberg, an eating disorders specialist from the National Eating Disorders Association of Long Island), 30% of women ages 18-23 restrict food calories so they can drink more and not gain weight from their alcohol consumption.
That’s Fit
Drunkorexia: Eating Less To Drink More
Posted on Jan 24th 2008 6:30PM by Adams Briscoe
Have you ever heard of the slang term Drunkorexia? I hadn’t either before reading this article on CBS outlining the trend seen among certain women on the party scene. Apparently the ladies they are referring to enjoy a good night on the town with alcohol, however they eat much less beforehand in order to reduce the chance of gaining too much weight.
The Daily Mail (London)
Drunkorexia: The worrying phenomenon where young women replace food with booze
Last updated at 20:52 17 March 2008
Growing numbers of young women skip meals to allow them to binge drink without putting on weight, experts have warned.
The phenomenon of “drunkorexia”, as it has been called, is most common among university students faced with the conflicting pressures of heavy drinking and staying slim.
Realising they are going to have to drink to fit in but not wanting to put on any weight, “drunkorexics” will cut back on calories ahead of a night on the town.
Google Books
Gossip Girl, The Carlyles #3:
Take a Chance on Me

By Cecily von Ziegesar
New York NY: Hachette Book Group
Pg. ?:
“Well, we had the idea about drunkorexia. It’s like, the new edgy disorder that combines anorexia and alcoholism. Everyone’s talking about it,” Gemma began knowledgeably.
MTV Wants To Document Your Drunkorexia
By Jen Carlson in Food on January 24, 2013 12:40 PM
In their latest casting call, MTV is looking for people who choose booze over food for True Life: I Have Drunkorexia.
The Atlantic
Road to ‘Drunkorexia’
The downsides of the weight-conscious alcohol boom

JACOBA URIST MAR 27 2013, 7:08 AM ET