Dr. Pepper Cake

Dr. Pepper Cake (or Dublin Dr. Pepper Cake, with the Dr. Pepper from Dublin, Texas) is another soft drink cake, similar to 7-Up Cake and Coca-Cola Cake. Dr. Pepper originated in the state and has been called “the national drink of Texas.”
Old Doc’s Soda Shop
Dublin Dr Pepper Cake & Frosting Mix
Our favorite sweet treat – Dublin Dr Pepper Cake and frosting, made especially for us by Debbie’s Specialties of Dublin. The chocolate cake mix makes a sheet cake or two round layers. Just whisk it together, bake, then top it with yummy Debbie’s frosting mix. The cake mix requires 8 oz. of Dublin Dr Pepper and the frosting requires 4 oz. you get both cake mix and frosting mix for one great price!
19 November 1987, Chicago Sun-Times, pg. N10:
Would someone have a recipe for Dr. Pepper cake?
31 August 1989, Austin American-Statesman, “Dr. Pepper pops up in oatmeal cake” by Pat Dailey, pg. E1:
Soft drinks are right at home with a Labor Day meal, but it’s a different twist when one shows up in cake. Dr Pepper Co.‘s recipe produces a moist, rich oatmeal cake with a faint but distinct flavor of the beverage.

Dr Pepper Cake Cake: 1 1/4 cups Dr Pepper 1 cup rolled oats 2/3 cup packed light brown sugar 1/2 cup each: granulated sugar, unsalted butter (softened) 2 large eggs 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon each: salt, grated nutmeg (...)

29 November 1989, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, “Old Dr. Pepper cake recipe just the right medicine” by Leslie Weddell, D7:
Here’s a prescription to help beat the winter blahs—a Dr Pepper cake. This is an old favorite that turns up every few years. The recipe for a moist, rich oatmeal cake with a broiled topping has a faint but distinct flavor of the soda pop.



1 1/4 cups Dr Pepper soda pop
1 cup rolled oats
2/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup each: granulated sugar, unsalted butter, softened
2 large eggs
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon each: salt, grated nutmeg Topping:
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons whipping cream
1 cup flaked coconut
1/4 cup minced pecans
1 teaspoon vanilla

For cake, heat Dr Pepper to boil. Pour over oats (...)