
Entry in progress—B.P.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
dove, n.
Polit. A person who advocates negotiations as a means of terminating or preventing a military conflict, as opposed to one (cf. hawk n.1 3) who advocates a hard-line or warlike policy. Also attrib. or quasi-adj. and transf.
1962 Alsop & Bartlett in Sat. Evening Post 8 Dec. 20/1   The hawks favored an air strike to eliminate the Cuban missile bases.‥ The doves opposed the air strikes and favored a blockade.
1964 New Yorker 10 Oct. 108   Not one of them, whether a ‘dove’ or a ‘hawk’, took much stock in the notion of ‘overkill’.
1966 Guardian 10 Jan. 9/8   The Republicans are themselves divided into two prongs: the liberal Javits, or doubting dove wing; and the Gerald Ford, or hawk wing, which wants a ‘total win’ in Vietnam.
1966 Listener 21 July 93/2   The term ‘hawks and doves’‥was put into circulation by Charles Bartlett, President Kennedy’s great journalistic confidant, in the course of an apparently inspired account of what took place in the President’s own National Security Council at the time of the Cuban missile crisis.
12 December 1962, Pasadena (CA) Star-News, “Washington Report” by Bill Sumner, pg. 25, col. 4:
“YOU TAKE THIS STORY in the Saturday Evening Post. The one about the hawks and doves. It gave Adlai quite a beating. Called him a dove, said he was trying to set up another Munich.”
14 December 1962, Brandon (Manitoba) Sun, “Assignment: Washington” with B. T. Richardson, pg. 4, col. 4:
The article classified Kennedy’s inner advisers as Hawks and Doves, but reported that motivations became mixed except in Stevenson’s case. Adlai remained a Dove. He is thereby represented as being soft on communism.
17 December 1962, Seattle (WA) Daily Times, pg. 10, col. 7:
Art Buchwald:
Along With Hawks and Doves,
There Were Some Chickens

WASHINGTON—There has been a lot of talk in Washington these days as to who was a Dove and who was a hawk during the Cuban crisis.
A Dove, according to The Saturday Evening Post, was someone who was for a blockade of Cuba. A Hawk was someone who favored bombing the Russian missile bases.
It will come out sooner or later in some magazine piece, so we might as well confess right now, we weren’t a Dove or a Hawk—we were Chicken.