“Don’t feed me shit and tell me it’s ice cream”

“Don’t feed me bullshit/crap/manure/shit and tell me it’s ice cream” means “Don’t give me something bad and tell me it’s a special treat.” The expression has been cited in print since at least the 1990s and is of unknown authorship.
“They’ll eat any shit you feed them and they’ll tell you it’s ice cream” was posted on the newsgroup alt.horror on January 16, 1998. “Please swallow my absurd shit and tell me its ice cream” was posted on the newsgroup misc.writing.screenplays on July 30, 1998. “.It’s about NASCAR shoveling shit on our plates and telling us it’s ice cream” was posted on the newsgroup rec.autos.sport.nascar on September 14, 2000. “Yes I am angry. I am angry that you are trying to feed me s**t and tell me its ice cream” was posted on the newsgroup rec.games.chess.misc on December 24, 2000.
“Don’t feed me crap and tell me its ice cream” was posted on Twitter by Lauren Ford on April 22, 2009. “The problem is the media can’t seem to get enough of feeding us manure and telling us its ice cream” was posted on Twitter by A Diabetic Comic✊🏾BLM on July 22, 2010. “Dont feed me bullshit and tell me its ice cream” was posted on Twitter by Raymond garcia on March 14, 2011. “They are raining shit on us and telling us it’s ice cream” was posted on Twitter by Henry Makow on February 20, 2023. “They’re pissing on our snow and telling us it’s ice cream” was posted on Twitter by RoRo McD🐧 on February 21, 2023.
“‘don’t put sugar on shit and tell me it’s ice cream’ -queenblaze. best quote of 2017” was posted on Twitter by CLAM D.🪬 on August 9, 2017. “‘Don’t put sugar on shit and tell me it’s ice cream’ — Jamie Gadrim” was posted on Twitter by DREW on May 25, 2019. “You keep sprinkling sugar on shit and trying to convince us it’s ice cream…....” was posted on Twitter by Emu Hugger on March 8, 2022.
“Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining” and “Don’t put sugar on shit and tell me it’s a brownie” are similar sayings.
Google Groups: alt.horror
SCREAM haters
Jan 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM
They’ll eat any shit you feed them and they’ll tell you it’s ice cream (anybody remember New Kids On The Block? Poison? Vanilla Ice?).
Google Groups: misc.writing.screenplays   
Agents & Other Party Animals
David R. Neff
Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM
Jervis Dedalus

> Get a life you assholes;
>learn to be different, to stand of your own accord.
Translation: Please swallow my absurd shit and tell me its ice cream.
Google Groups: rec.autos.sport.nascar
NASCAR says Earnhardt Manifold was OK
R a p p y
Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM
It’s not about either of those things….........It’s about NASCAR shoveling shit on our plates and telling us it’s ice cream.
Google Groups: rec.games.chess.misc
USCF sells out again
Dec 24, 2000, 4:14:43 AM
>Wow. You are so angry, that not only do you ignore facts and good
>news, you ignore when you are being agreed with.
Yes I am angry. I am angry that you are trying to feed me s**t and tell me its ice cream.
Google Groups: alt.religion.mormon
BOM/Brass Plates
Duwayne Anderson
Jul 29, 2002, 3:20:42 PM
I see a glass with mud in it, and someone telling me it’s ice cream.
Google Groups: houston.politics
Stu Gotts
Sep 14, 2003, 11:40:49 AM
No way! The “intelligent” part of the community will soon see that it’s just another way the legislatures and big business are feeding us shit and telling us it’s ice cream.
Lauren Ford
“Don’t feed me crap and tell me its ice cream.” Ya feel me?
11:53 PM · Apr 22, 2009
kxlx thxmvs
@tiviritavara haha. You made that bed, you sleep in it. Don’t shit in a cone and tell me it’s ice cream.
12:38 PM · Aug 1, 2009
Tom Young
Obama feeds us bullshit, tells us it’s ice cream, we lap it up like the dogs we are and ask for more.
9:12 AM · Aug 4, 2009
Jarrod Kimber
Going at 8 runs an over is not acceptable in this total. Channel 9, stop selling us horse shit and telling us it’s ice cream.
5:14 AM · Feb 19, 2010
A Diabetic Comic✊🏾BLM
@GoodDayXtra The problem is the media can’t seem to get enough of feeding us manure and telling us its ice cream
8:17 AM · Jul 22, 2010
you can’t feed me SHIT and tell me its ICE CREAM…
8:22 PM · Sep 7, 2010
Raymond garcia
Dont feed me bullshit and tell me its ice cream.
8:03 PM · Mar 14, 2011
Sorry but they can’t sh*t in my pocket and tell me it’s ice cream.
7:57 AM · Mar 31, 2011
Dale Marie
at least ron paul doesn’t shit on my plate and tell me it’s ice cream
8:58 PM · Sep 7, 2011
You can’t feed us crap and tell us it’s ice cream - or something like that.
1:12 PM · May 16, 2012
Frank Byronn Glenn
Picking Paul Ryan For VP Is Just The Koch Bros. Feeding Us “Elephant Turds” and Telling Us It’s “Ice Cream”! http://spotlightondemocracy.com/2012/08/the-koch-bros-picking-paul-ryan-as-the-gop-vp-is-just-them-checking-to-see-if-they-have-enough-money-they-can-feed-us-elephant-turds-and-make-us-think-its-ice-cream/
10:12 AM · Aug 16, 2012
Don’t be spoon-fed dog shit and let people tell you it’s ice cream.
6:20 PM · Aug 30, 2012
Seven Pounds of Pressure
Don’t let someone feed you bullshit and tell you it’s ice cream. -my granny
2:08 AM · Jan 10, 2013
Don’t ever let anyone hand you shit and try to tell you it’s ice cream! CW
12:37 PM · Jan 28, 2013
@allistylez “do not shit in my hand & tell me it’s ice cream.” My feelings in a nut shell about my professional situation.
2:51 AM · Feb 3, 2013 from San Diego, CA
mikey bee
you can’t feed me bullshit and tell me it’s ice cream…
10:57 PM · Sep 30, 2013
Arthur Zitzka
You can’t put shit in a cone and tell me it’s ice cream.
1:17 PM · Dec 3, 2013
j a h b r e e
Don’t shit on me and tell me it’s ice cream
9:02 AM · Apr 16, 2014
Don’t serve me a pile of shit and tell me it’s ice cream
11:46 PM · Aug 27, 2014
The Tiger Dog
or maybe we’re tired of you putting the same shit in a box and telling us it’s ice cream.
4:38 PM · Jun 26, 2016
🇺🇸Patriot Jay News 🎄
Replying to @Mediaite
@sjreidhead More of the feeding us shit and telling us it’s ice cream!
8:42 PM · Sep 28, 2016
“don’t put sugar on shit and tell me it’s ice cream” -queenblaze
best quote of 2017
3:56 AM · Aug 9, 2017
Tiff In Boots
Don’t spoon feed me bullshit and tell me it’s ice cream. I know the damned difference.
7:51 PM · Sep 24, 2018
I will never not be disgusted by major corporations attempts to feed you shit and tell you its ice cream. Fuck Tumblr and fuck Apple they never get another cent from me. #TumblrIsDeadParty
6:36 PM · Dec 3, 2018
bad marmalade
The DWP want to feed us shit and tell us it’s ice cream
6:19 AM · May 15, 2019
“Don’t put sugar on shit and tell me it’s ice cream” — Jamie Gadrim
8:04 PM · May 25, 2019
Stephen H. Duke
Taking your hard earned money, feeding you bull shit and telling you its ice cream and you better eat it fast or it will go away.
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Maj Toure
Aug 24, 2020
Someone tell me…..
What is government good at?
9:42 PM · Aug 24, 2020
Emu Hugger - #MakeWokeGoBroke.click
Replying to @POTUS
You keep sprinkling sugar on shit and trying to convince us it’s ice cream…....
5:50 PM · Mar 8, 2022
wilson logan
Replying to @HenricCont @TIMGOLDFINCH and 31 others
For taxable income, which is negligible percentage of wealth for the 1% as a whole.
When I’m walking in manure don’t try and tell me its ice cream.
10:06 AM · Jun 9, 2022
Old Vet Farmer
Replying to @EffWoke
These people actually believe, if they have a truck load of manure, and tell us it’s ice cream, we should just eat it.
No thank you!
6:58 PM · Jul 8, 2022
Russell Swanson
Replying to @NEWSMAX
They’re trying to feed us bullshit and tell us its ice cream
10:30 AM · Dec 26, 2022
Henry Makow
This screams “our situation is critical.”  It’s all about depopulation. Gender bending hormones are in lieu of killing children with vaccines. The ultra-rich Satanists want us dead and gone.
Just listen to Yuval Harari. They are raining shit on us and telling us it’s ice cream.
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Henry Makow
Feb 20
Gender-Vax Mob Attack My Granddaughter
“We’ve now learned that the school has been behind a concerted attempt to pressure our GD to begin hormone treatment, without any parental guidance, or knowledge. She has been offered treatment many times we learn.”
7:49 PM · Feb 20, 2023
RoRo McD🐧
Replying to @dbearns
They’re pissing on our snow and telling us it’s ice cream.
4:58 PM · Feb 21, 2023