“Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum”

“Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum” is a rhyme that has been included in several collections of sayings about alcohol. “Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum” has been cited in print since at least March 2008 and is of unknown authorship.
Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum.
-  Author Unknown
Charlie Dean
March 27, 2008
Have a Beer?
by Charlie Dean
Hite · March 28, 2008 at 8:57 pm ·
And remember:
“Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum.”
Meez Forums 
22nd August 2008  
Beer before liquar never sicker
liquar before beer always sicker
whiskey is riskey but it gets the ladies friskey
but dont be dumb like mixin wine and rum
Alcohol Quotes and Sayings
Sarah says:
May 28, 2009 at 9:47 pm
Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum.
Drunk Peter Griffin‏
Don’t be dumb and mix wine and rum.
1:00 AM - 21 May 13