“Don’t ask why health food is so expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap”

“Don’t ask why health food is so expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap” is a food saying that has been printed on several images. The saying was posted on Twitter on February 20, 2013.
Dee Lucas‏
Don’t ask why healthier food is more expensive, ask why junk food is so cheap. 😊
6:05 AM - 20 Feb 2013
Phit Wendy‏
“Don’t ask why #health food is so expensive, ask why junk food is so cheap.” @NutriutionSnob True that! #exercise #Beauty
8:47 AM - 31 Jul 2013
Chris Caito‏
Food for Thought: Don’t ask why healthy food is so expensive, instead ask why junk food is so cheap. http://wp.me/p1mPrN-dF
8:58 AM - 31 Jul 2013
Josh Hayes
Extra Income Trainer & Professional Poker Player: A decade making a living from cards & now sharing the opportunity on http://www.pokerprotraining.com @RUNLikeJosh
Feb 25, 2016
The Greatest Dis-empowerment — Complainers Beware!
Some will say: these options generally cost more. I read recently what I feel is an apt response: ‘do not ask why health food is so expensive but rather why junk food is so cheap.’ This may ‘cost’ more in the short-term. It may require us to become more resourceful. But that might just be the price of living in a society that we can be proud of. The choice, is undoubtedly ours to make.
Superfood Evolution‏
Don’t ask why health food is so expensive, ask why junk food is so cheap!
4:20 PM - 1 Sep 2016
Alexa Losey‏
don’t ask why my health food is so expensive, asks why your junk food is so cheap
3:17 PM - 26 Sep 2016