“Does wine count as a serving of fruit?”

“Does wine count as a serving of fruit?” is a jocular question that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts, posters and wine glasses. “When I got home I realized I’d had enough protein and carbohydrates and needed a serving of fruit so I had a glass of wine” was cited in print in 1995. “Does wine count as a serving of fruit?” was cited in 2006.
Wine Spectator answered the question in 2010 with, “Nice try, but no.”
“Does the jelly in a donut count as a serving of fruit? Asking for a friend” is a similar saying.
Google Groups: rec.food.cooking
What I Had for Dinner?
Well I had peanuts and a beer on the flight home from D.C.  When I got home I realized I’d had enough protein and carbohydrates and needed a serving of fruit so I had a glass of wine.
Google Groups: alt.support.arthritis
California Chief
Does wine count as a serving of fruit? 
do 3 glasses of wine equal a serving of fruit for the day?
7:03 PM - 20 Dec 2008
Go Ask Alice!
Is wine a fruit serving?
Originally Published: February 20, 2009 - Last Updated / Reviewed On: April 5, 2013
For people in good health, regular and moderate wine drinking is usually fine and in fact it may offer some health benefits. But potential health benefits should not necessarily be a reason to start drinking if you don’t already. Studies show that occasional or binge drinkers have a higher mortality rates than those who drink moderately on a regular basis. There are also some people who would do best to stay away from wine altogether. Those who suffer from alcoholism, liver disease, pancreatitis, uncontrolled hypertension, depression, or heart disease may worsen their conditions by drinking alcohol.
The somber news for the cabernet-lovers is that while wine can be good for you if you are already healthy and drink moderately and regularly, the best way to fulfill your five-a-day fruit requirement is still the good old-fashioned way of, well, eating fruit.
Jason Phillips
How many glasses of wine equal one day’s recommended serving of fruit?
5:52 PM - 20 May 2009
Samantha & Tabytha
Ceramic Grapes Cork Wine Stopper
DOES WINE COUNT AS A SERVING OF FRUIT Ceramic hand painted one of a kind co.. http://bit.ly/RWnql
10:37 AM - 1 Oct 2009
Wine Spectator
Does wine get classified as a serving of fruit?
Posted: October 28, 2010
Q: If 100 percent grape juice qualifies as a serving of fruit in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, does wine also qualify?
A: Nice try, but no.