“Does McDonald’s Serve Cheese Burgers?” (math mnemonic)

“Does McDonald’s Sell/Serve Cheese Burgers” is a math mnemonic used by many elementary school teachers. The letters “DMSCB” stand for “Divide Multiply Subtract Check Bring down.” McDonald’s is an American fast food company that does sell cheeseburgers.
“‘Does McDonalds sell burgers?’ to remember the mnemonic ‘D.M.S.B.’ can help students execute the correct series of steps in long division — divide, multiply, subtract, bring down the next number” was printed in the book Mainstreaming: A Practical Approach for Teachers (1993) by Judy W. Wood.
“Does MacDonald’s Serve Breakfast?” to remind them to Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring down” and “Does McDonalds Serve Cheese Burgers? Students write DMSCB on their paper to remember the steps” were posted in the newsgroup jyu.kidsphere on February 22, 1997.
“Ms. Dailey’s students are learning how to divide with remainders using Does McDonald’s sell cheese burgers to learn the steps divide, multiply, subtract, check and bring down” was printed in The Banner-Tribune (Franklin, LA) on February 20, 1998.
“Do you use ‘Does McDonalds Serve Cheese Burgers Regularly?’ Divide, multiply, subtract, check, bring down, remainder” was posted on Twitter by Dr. Cara Whitehead, NBCT on January 20, 2011. “Teaching Division of Multi Digit Numbers McDonalds style!!! Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers Raw! #CMSdaily” was posted on Twitter by Tara EacklesMorris on October 8, 2015. “Visiting one of our 5th grade classroom with the AMAZING Professor Edwards! Learning long division. Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers Raw? Divide.Multiply.Subtract.Check. Bring Down. Repeat/Remainder. I got it!!” was posted on Twitter by Tamara Jackson on October 15, 2018.
“Does McDonald’s Sell Cheese Burgers Dude D.M.S.C.B.D Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Check, Bring, Down!” was posted on Twitter by Mr. Labik on October 19, 2018.
Google Books
A Practical Approach for Teachers

By Judy W. Wood
New York, NY: Merrill; Toronto, ON: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; New York, NY: Maxwell Macmillan International
Pg. 336:
“Does McDonalds sell burgers?” to remember the mnemonic “D.M.S.B.” can help students execute the correct series of steps in long division — divide, multiply, subtract, bring down the next number.
Google Groups: jyu.kidsphere
memory tool.mnemonics
KIDSPHERE Mailing List
Steps in long division:
Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Compare (with the divisor), Bring down. Does McDonalds Serve Cheese Burgers?  Students write DMSCB on their paper to remember the steps.
Does MacDonald’s Serve Breakfast?” to remind them to Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring down.
20 February 1998, The Banner-Tribune (Franklin, LA), “School News,” sec. 2, pg. 1:
Ms. Dailey’s students are learning how to divide with remainders using Does McDonald’s sell cheese burgers to learn the steps divide, multiply, subtract, check and bring down.
Google Groups: alt.support.mult-sclerosis
Roll call
EXACTLY!!!!  Hell, it was RIGHT when I learned it, and damnit, it’s RIGHT now!  I figure, if he gets the answer right, screw how he got there! :oD Oh… but nooooo…. we have to use the “Does McDonalds Sell Cheeseburgers” method… don’t ask, it’s beyond me!  And *yes* that really *is* the method she is using to teach them!  I still say a big stick and a fat nun would do much better!
I just called my son on his way to school (no there aren’t cell phones on the bus.. yet, he rides with his dad).  The “Does McDonalds Sell Cheeseburgers” method stands for “Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Check, Bring up or Bring Down. (the “B” from burgers I guess)... I still say big stick, fat nun…
15 March 2005, The Tennessean (Nashville, TN), “Every School Every Day,” Williamson A.M. sec., pg. W6, col. 2:
Nolensville Elementary
Third-graders are busy conquering some challenging division problems. They have learned a fun acronym to help them: Does McDonald’s Sell CheeseBurgers? = Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Check and Bring down. They are having a great time with this and feeling very accomplished in their newfound abilities.
I am teaching long division to my youngest ds.  Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers…
3:35 PM - 22 Oct 2008
Dr. Cara Whitehead, NBCT
Replying to @MrStephenWolfe
@MrStephenWolfe Do you use “Does McDonalds Serve Cheese Burgers Regularly?” Divide, multiply, subtract, check, bring down, remainder.
8:54 PM - 20 Jan 2011
Does McDonald’s Serve CheeseBurgers DMSCB – divide,multiply,subtract,carry, bring down – corporate sponsor in long division? new to me #math
9:13 PM - 10 Jan 2013
Mrs. Manley
Students were introduced to long division 2day. Ask your child: Does McDonald’s Serve Cheese Burgers? See if they can remember the steps!
5:27 PM - 11 Mar 2014
Does McDonalds Sell Cheeseburgers
Brittany Ternes
Published on Nov 12, 2014
Long Division Algorithm—Created using PowToon—Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ .
15 February 2015, The Dispatch and The Rock Island Argus (Rock Island, IL), “Every Day Math” by Austin Begyn (Fourth Grade), Andalusia Elementary School Student Writers, Keepsakes sec., pg. 2, cols. 1-2:
I just learned this: “Does McDonalds Serve Bacon Cheeseburgers?” This is a trick for learning division. The D in Does stands for Divide. The M in McDonalds stands for Multiply. The S in Serve stands for Subtract. The B in Bacon stands for Bring Down. The C in Cheeseburger stands for Check. These are all the steps we use in division. That helps me a lot, because I used to not know how to get the second number on top, but now I know.
Does McDonalds Serve Cheese Burgers; A Long Division Strategy
Lori Martelli
Published on Apr 6, 2015
Tara EacklesMorris
Teaching Division of Multi Digit Numbers McDonalds style!!! Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers Raw! #CMSdaily
7:22 PM - 8 Oct 2015
Ann Marie Whitaker
After 2 weeks of long division..Does McDonald’s Serve Cheese Burgers? Yes they do! #scschat #4thgrade
9:48 PM - 17 Feb 2017
Diana Pinkney
Does McDonald’s Sell Cheeseburgers? Divide Multiply Subtract Check and Bring Down! Mini cheeseburgers are homework!
2:50 PM - 5 Oct 2017
Hazell Espino
Does McDonalds serve cheese burgers ? It’s a quick acronym students can use to understand long division ! We also made a short video using @ChatterPixIt it’s my first of many more cute videos @LaJoyaISDEdTech #LJTECHi3
4:57 PM - 18 Sep 2018
Tamara Jackson
Visiting one of our 5th grade classroom with the AMAZING Professor Edwards! Learning long division. Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers Raw? Divide.Multiply.Subtract.Check. Bring Down. Repeat/Remainder. I got it!!🤚
2:46 PM - 15 Oct 2018
Mr. Labik
Does McDonald’s Sell Cheese Burgers Dude
Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Check, Bring, Down!
9:51 AM - 19 Oct 2018
Dailymotion (January 6, 2019)
Long Divison Song - McDonalds Division Video
Does McDonald’s Sell Cheese Burgers? Yes they do! Learn how to long divide by watching our song and using the acronym Does McDonald’s Sell Cheese Burgers! Does McDonalds Serve Cheese Burgers; A Long Division