“Do buses and trains run on time?”/“Buses run on wheels and trains run on the tracks.”

A riddle about buses and trains running “on time” is:
Q: Do buses and trains run on time?
A: Buses run on wheels and trains run on the tracks.

The joke was posted on Twitter on September 18, 2009.
Bollywood Sargam
Bus jokes - 2330 Joke: Do buses and trains run on time? Usually, yes. No, they don’t. Buses run on wheels.. http://bit.ly/35EmQ9
9:38 AM - 18 Sep 2009
Morten Stenbaek
Do buses and trains run on time? Usually, yes. No, they don´t. Buses run on wheels and trains run on the tracks.
6:30 AM - 2 Jan 2010
Nitin Goyal
Do buses and trains run on time?
Usually, yes. No, they don’t. Buses run on #wheels and trains run on the tracks.#humor
6:17 AM - 25 Jan 2010
Google Books
Sensible Nonsense.. Frank’s Comic Pack:
Humour Pack Series

By Frank Paul
Pg. ?:
“Do buses and trains run on time? Usually, yes. No, they don’t. Buses run on wheels and trains run on the tracks.”
Do buses and trains run on time?
Usually, yes.
No, they don’t. Buses run on wheels and trains run on the
2:44 PM - 11 Jan 2018
lorraine Jo King
Do buses and trains run on time?
Buses run on wheels and trains run on the tracks.
12:30 PM - 31 May 2018