Divorce Cake

Entry in progress—B.P.
New York (NY) Times
February 13, 2005
O.K., It’s Over. So Now Let’s Party.
Sylvia Weinstock, master of the wedding cake - she made the 10-foot confectionary tower for the wedding of Star Jones and Al Reynolds - said she received her third order for a divorce cake last year. Ms. Weinstock had baked a wedding cake for that client just four years earlier. For the divorce party she baked another wedding cake, but with a difference - she made it appear as if it had been sliced down the middle.
15 Hilarious Divorce Cakes
by Grace Murano
Mental Floss
July 25, 2012 - 12:23pm
14 Creative Divorce Cakes
Jill Harness
We’ve discussed geeky wedding invitations, wedding dresses, and wedding photos. But with so many marriages not lasting forever, the market for “divorce cakes” is alive and well.
The Huffington Post
These Divorce Cakes Are Nothing Short Of Batsh*t Crazy (PHOTOS)
by Brittany Wong
Posted: 02/21/2014 6:23 pm EST Updated: 02/21/2014 6:59 pm EST
Move over, wedding cakes. There’s a new cake in town—it’s the divorce cake, and it’s about 500 times crazier than you.
Below, 12 of the most over-the-top (and in some cases, “Human Centipede 2”-level frightening) cake homages to calling it quits we’ve ever seen.