Disrespectchup (disrespect + ketchup)

“Disrespectchup” (disrespect + ketchup) was coined on Reddit on April 24, 2001, by a husband whose wife added ketchup to his “lovingly grilled lime pork tenderloin.” The word “disrespectchup” was featured on Serious Eats in the article “Words That Should Be Words: Disrespectchup.”
Commenters have suggested that other condiments (such as ranch dressing) have been overused as much as ketchup.
Disrespectchup. (self.food)
submitted 1 day ago by windsorlad111
A phrase I coined tonight when my wife took my lovingly grilled lime pork tenderloin and added ketchup.
Serious Eats
Words That Should Be Words: Disrespectchup
Posted by Erin Zimmer, April 25, 2011 at 2:15 PM
Here’s a new coinage we found via Reddit.
Disrespectchup: (dis-ri-ˈspeke-chəp) noun. To overuse and abuse ketchup, particularly on dishes beyond fries, hash browns, burgers, and eggs. When my wife took my lovingly grilled lime pork tenderloin and added ketchup, it was a disrespectchup.