Disneyland for Wall Street (Manhattan)

Disneyland (a Disney theme park in Anaheim, California) is often used as a metonym for “fantasy land.” Michael Krieger, of the Liberty Blitzkrieg website, described Manhattan as “Disneyland for Wall Street” in articles that he wrote in April 2014 and July 2014.
Jordan Belfort, the subject of the movie The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013), told CNN about his trading business in 2008, “It was almost like adult Disneyland for dysfunctional people.”
Wikipedia: Manhattan
Manhattan is the most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York City. The borough is coterminous with New York County, an original county of the U.S. state of New York. The borough consists mostly of Manhattan Island, bounded by the East, Hudson, and Harlem Rivers, but also includes several small adjacent islands and a small area on the mainland. Manhattan has been described as the economic and cultural center of the United States and is home to the United Nations Headquarters. Wall Street, in Lower Manhattan, has been called the financial capital of the world, and is home to the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. As of 2012, Manhattan’s cost of living was the highest in the United States, but the borough also suffered the country’s most profound level of income inequality. Many multinational media conglomerates are based in the borough.
Fall of the Fat Cats
Aired October 18, 2008 - 20:00   ET
JORDAN BELFORT, : I party like a rock star and I live like a king. I live to tell about it, barely.
BOUDREAU (voice-over): He calls himself the wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, a self-proclaimed master of the universe, living what he calls the life.
BELFORT: It was like ancient Rome. You’re like, this is like the Coliseum. Acts of depravity. There was midget tossing. People’s heads were being shaved. Goldfish were being eaten live. People were hooking themselves up to car batteries. It was almost like adult Disneyland for dysfunctional people.
“It was broker Disneyland,” says Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street #sun7
6:14 PM - 10 May 2013
Dorrine Mendoza
“It was like Disneyland for dysfunctional people,” home vid w Jordan Belfort. Subj of Scorsese film #WolfofWallStreet http://cnn.it/18yHAxN
9:48 AM - 18 Dec 2013
Zero Hedge
New York: From “Disneyland For Wall Street” To “Coffin-Sized” Living Spaces
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/15/2014 14:12 -0400
Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,
There is no question about it, NYC feels more like “Disneyland for Wall Street” than ever before. The very rich are doing very well, everyone else, not so much. We are often told by charlatans and mainstream media propagandists that this mythical rising tide of wealth lifts all boats. If that’s the case, I find it quite perplexing that the homeless population in America’s financial center is exploding five years into the so-called recovery. Meanwhile, let’s not forget that 22% of the city is on food stamps.
Zero Hedge
Introducing Ghost Skyscrapers… In New York City
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/10/2014 23:16 -0400
Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,
Late last month, New York Magazine published a lengthy and very important article titled: Stash Pad – Why New York Real Estate is the New Swiss Bank Account. The entire article is well worth a read, and left me shaking my head in disbelief the entire time. As someone who grew up in New York City, it’s a real shame to see the continued transformation of Manhattan into nothing more than an oligarch playground, or as I sometimes like to call it, “Disneyland for Wall Street.”