“Did you know all fishermen are Marxists? Because the sea’s the means of production”

“Seize the means of production” is a Marxist saying. “Sea’s the means of production” might be a Marxist fisherman’s saying.
“Socialism for fishermen: seas the means of production” was posted on Twitter by Keith Pickering on December 18, 2016. “MARX, looking at fishing boats: ‘Seas! The means of production!’” was posted on Twitter by Neily Dan on May 16, 2017. “Did you know all fishermen are Marxists? Because the sea’s the means of production” was posted on Twitter by AntiFa Treasurer on November 12, 2020. “What did the socialist say to the fisherman? Sea’s the means of production” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on July 24, 2021.
Know Your Meme
Seize the Means of Production 
In 1867’s Das Kapital, Karl Marx wrote that should a laborer “own (his) means of production, and was satisfied to live as a labourer, he need not work beyond beyond the time necessary for the reproduction of his means of subsistence, say 8 hours a day.” The full phrase “seize the means of production” first appeared in black activist W. E. B. DuBois’ posthumous autobiography published in 1968, when he wrote that he considered himself a communist:
“It is a historical fact that blacks were brought to this country for the profit of the ruling class which at the time were landowners. They needed someone to till the soil and grow profitable crops. Today we have shifted from an agrarian economy to a goods-production economy. But the same relationships exist between the private owner and the worker. Nothing has changed. Therefore, for working people to be free, they must seize control of the means of production.”
Keith Pickering
@eudxa @AnalyticD Socialism for fishermen: seas the means of production
2:33 PM · Dec 18, 2016·Twitter Web Client
Neily Dan
MARX, looking at fishing boats: “Seas! The means of production!”
ENGLES: “so, what I’m hearing here is…”
3:32 PM · May 16, 2017·Twitter for Android
Sonny Malhotra
I want to start a communist fishing group just to have ‘Sea’s the means of production’ on a badge.
1:10 PM · Jul 25, 2017·Twitter Web Client
Why do Marxists like tidal farms?
Sea’s the means of production.
#pun #humour #dadjokes
6:31 PM · Jan 22, 2018·Twitter for Android
I want to start a communist fishing group just to have ‘Sea’s the means of production’ on a bike.
8:50 PM · Mar 24, 2018·SonnyMalBotra
PreOccupied Territory
The marine ecosystems specialist who was also a communist revolutionary finally wrote her memoir.
Seas: the Means of Production
11:11 AM · Nov 13, 2018·Twitter Web Client
Summertime Shambles
Who wants to sea’s the means of production?
Karl Sharx
(You’re welcome)
1:01 PM · Aug 3, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
AntiFa Treasurer
Did you know all fishermen are Marxists?
Because the sea’s the means of production.
5:25 PM · Nov 12, 2020·Twitter for Android
Bryce Petty
Replying to @ClaretFPL
Hydropower energy is pretty Marxist, the sea’s the means of production.
9:03 AM · Jun 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Posted by u/Bitch_Tuna July 24, 2021
What did the socialist say to the fisherman?
Sea’s the means of production.