“Did you hear about the musician who skipped a bar of silence? He was resisting a rest”

“Resisting arrest” sounds like “resisting a rest.” “As I musician who refuses to pause my playing I was kicked out the band for resisting a rest” was posted on Twitter by “name cannot be blank” on July 6, 2014. “Criminal musicians who never pause between notes are resisting a rest” was posted on Twitter by Steffan Andrews on March 5, 2015.
“Did you hear about the musician who played through the silent part of a song? He was charged with resisting a rest” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on August 11, 2018.
“Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest” is a related joke.
name cannot be blank
As I musician who refuses to pause my playing I was kicked out the band for resisting a rest.
9:48 PM - 6 Jul 2014
Steffan Andrews 🎬 🎵
Criminal musicians who never pause between notes are resisting a rest.
6:51 PM - 5 Mar 2015
J. Brodsky
Did you hear about the musician who skipped a bar of silence?
They were charged with resisting a rest.
8:38 PM - 14 Mar 2016
Only A Bill
What happened to the musician that wouldn’t stopped playing?
He was cited for resisting a rest.
6:49 PM - 16 Aug 2017
Did you hear about the musician who played through the silent part of a song?
submitted August 11, 2018 by 20-CharactersAllowed
He was charged with resisting a rest