DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only)

Conservative pundit Mark Steyn coined the term “DIABLO” (Democrat In All But Label Only) in National Review Online’s The Corner on October 21, 2009. Steyn was discussing New York Congressional candidate Dede Scozzafava, who held so many liberal views that Steyn refused to consider her as a RINO (Republican In Name Only).
“DIABLO” (the Spanish word for “devil”) was quickly picked up by other blogs.
Wikipedia: Diablo
Diablo (Spanish for “devil”) may refer to:
. Devil (...)
Wikipedia: Mark Steyn
Mark Steyn (born 1959) is a Canadian writer, political commentator and cultural critic. He has written five books, including America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It, a New York Times bestseller. He is published in newspapers and magazines, and also appears on radio shows such as those of Rush Limbaugh and Hugh Hewitt.
Steyn, a Canadian citizen, now resides mainly in New Hampshire in the United States. He is married with three children. Irish artist Stella Steyn is the great-aunt of Mark Steyn.
The Corner on National Review Online
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Enough  [Mark Steyn]
On NY-23, I’m with Fred Thompson and Jack Fowler: A Conservative can win in a three-way race, and Doug Hoffman is deserving of your support.
Newt really needs to re-think his support for Dede Scozzafava. This isn’t RINO but DIABLO - Democrat In All But Label Only. It’s not one of those “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” bi-swinger deals — not when you’re pro-“stimulus”, pro-cash-for-clunkers.
Bear Creek Ledger
October 21st, 2009 |  Author: Toni
One of the best acronyms I’ve seen lately. Mark Steyn wrote a blurb on The Corner talking about the special election in NY District 23. This race has heated up tremendously but Mark Steyn came up with a perfect description for someone of Dede Scozzaflava or Arlen Specter’s ilk.
DIABLO – Democrat In All But Label Only!
Hot Air - The Greenroom
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Sanity Clause
posted at 1:04 am on October 24, 2009 by Dafydd ab Hugh
And by “[Bill] Owens ahead” in the special election for New York’s 23rd congressional district, they actually mean that Democrat Owens has a slight plurality over his two opponents, liberal Republican Dierdre Scozzafava — whom Charles Krauthammer says is not even a RINO; she’s a DIABLO, a Democrat in all but label only — and Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman; the two split the un-Democratic vote, allowing Owens to sneak ahead with 33%-35% support.