Dextrosphere (right blogosphere)

“Dextrosphere” is the politically “right blogosphere.” (“Dextro-” is Latin for “right.”) The term “dextrosphere” has been cited in print since at least April 2005 and has been used most frequently on the Ace of Spades HQ conservative blog.
“Rightosphere” (since May 2005) is another term for “dextrosphere.”
The opposite of rightosphere/dextrosphere is “leftosphere” (since March 2006) or “sinistrosphere” (since July 2005).
(Oxford English Dictionary)
combining form of L. dexter, dextra, used in the sense ‘(turning or turned) to the right’, in physical and chemical terms, chiefly having reference to the property possessed by certain substances of causing the plane of a ray of polarized light to rotate to the right.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
A Confession
Folks, I have a confession to make. It’s something that’s been burdening my conscience for a while now, and partly because my secret is so horrible that it could get me forever banned from the dextrosphere. But if permanent exclusion from all things conservative is the price I must pay to live my life with a clear conscience, then so be it.
Friday, April 29, 2005
A Terry Schiavo prequel
We might expect some similar trajectory from the sad case of Terry Schiavo, if we’re not careful. I personally don’t believe that her husband was such a bounder as he’s been made out to be in the dextrosphere.
,a href=“”>The Perfect World
CalGal—Thursday, October 27, 2005—05:54:28 PM
I’d much rather argue than make money.
Where’s the dextrosphere? Under the desk?
World Wide Words (December 16, 2005)
SINISTROSPHERE This has started to appear online as a disparaging collective term for bloggers with left-wing political affiliations. Its opposite is the dextrosphere, a sweeter-sounding and much less sinister term. Both words are based on “blogosphere”, a collective term for the whole blogging environment. [My thanks to Barry Popik and Ben Zimmer for these references.]
Through the Smoke…
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Sinistrosphere, Dextrosphere, The Chosen, and the Birth of the Curmudgeosphere
From World Wide Words:
SINISTROSPHERE This has started to appear online as a disparaging collective term for bloggers with left-wing political affiliations. Its opposite is the dextrosphere, a sweeter-sounding and much less
sinister term. Both words are based on “blogosphere”, a collective term for the whole blogging environment.
Ace of Spades HQ
June 22, 2006
The Sinestrosphere As Alterate Political Party?
It occurs to me that the dextrosphere (right-blogosphere) and sinestrosphere (left-blogosphere) may be following two different models.
The dextrosphere disagrees with each other, bickers, argues, etc., all in public. It’s pretty transparent—readers aren’t missing anything going on behind the scenes. Sure, emails are exchanged, but of a “Check this out” variety. They’re tips, not attempts to coordinate messaging.
The dextrosphere attempts, to the extent possible, to be an alternative media. We can never really replace the MSM, but to the extent possible, we try to displace those functions we can.
Southwest Left Coast
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Welcome to the Dextrosphere!
There’s a new conservative blog in San Diego. Red County/San Diego, made its cyber-debut Thursday with contributions from local Republican leaders and discussion of news relating to San Diego County.
Ace of Spades HQ
June 25, 2010
WaPo’s Dextrosphere Reporter Has Highly Nuanced Take On Conservatives