Devil’s Night or Devils’ Night (October 30th)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Other Halloween-related nights include Cabbage Night, Chalk Night, Corn Night, Doorbell Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Moving Night and Soap Night.
Wikipedia: Mischief Night
Mischief Night is an informal holiday on which children and teenagers engage in pranks and vandalism. It is known by a variety of names (see below)
In most of New Jersey, as well as in New Orleans, Philadelphia, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, parts of New York State, and Connecticut, it is referred to as “Mischief Night” or, particularly in the Great Lakes region, “Devil’s Night”. In some towns in Northern New Jersey and parts of New York State, it is also known as “Goosey Night”.
It is known as “Gate Night” in New Hampshire, West Kootenay (British Columbia), Vancouver Island, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay (Ontario), Bay City (Michigan), Rockland County (New York), North Dakota and South Dakota; as “Mat Night” in English-speaking Quebec; and as “Devil’s Night” in many places throughout Canada, Michigan, and western Pennsylvania.