
A “detailee” is a government employee on assignment or loan. The White House, for example, uses many “detailees” from other government agencies.
The term “detailee” has been cited in print since at least the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1967.
Wiktionary: detailee
(plural detailees)
1.An employee of a United States government agency on assignment or loan.
U.S. House of Representatives—Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
The above guidelines do not prohibit a Member or other House office from accepting services, including detailed staff, provided on an official basis by a unit of federal, state, or local government.  House staff and resources may not, however, be similarly used to perform the work of other governmental units, or of any private organization.

A committee may request or accept detailed staff from executive branch departments or agencies.  The Select Committee on Ethics ruled that “in-kind services and functions provided by federal, state, and local government agencies do not fall in the same category as private donations of money or in-kind services.”  While federal law specifically authorizes the detailing of executive branch personnel to committee staffs, there is no comparable provision allowing detailees to serve on the personal staffs of Members.
Regulations of the Committee on House Administration provide that the detailee remains, for most purposes, an employee of the source department or agency, rather than becoming a House employee during the assignment period.91 For the purposes of post-employment restrictions, however, federal law mandates that detailees be considered employees both of the entity from which they come and that to which they are sent.92
The Committee on House Administration’s guidelines provide that Committees are not required to reimburse the sending organization for detailees, except for detailees from the Government Printing Office (“GPO”).  Detailees assigned from GPO require reimbursement from committee funds.  According to House Administration guidance, the number of non-reimbursable detailees, at one time, most remain at or below 10% of the committee’s staffing ceiling.
Google Books
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1967. Intergovernmental Manpower Act of 1967
By United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Government Operations. Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
Pg. 38:
The supervision of the duties of a State or local detailee would be governed by agreement between the participating agencies.
Google Books
Confessions of a Price Controller
By C. Jackson Grayson Jr. with Louis Neeb
Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin
Pg. XIII:   
government employees temporarily assigned away from their “home agency” to the Price Commission
Google News Archive
3 May 1977, The Day (New London, CT), William Safire column, pg. 4, col. 6:
So 30 per cent of those—well, say 20 percent, that’s pretty close—would be in the ballpark—would be 40 people, leaving a White House staff of 470, plus a few dozen detailees for emergencies, which would sort of keep the President’s promise.
1 December 1991, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, “GAO may be the best bargain taxpayers get Series: Commentary” by Fred Powledge, pg. 4D:
The senators also want to limit the number of “detailees,” who are GAO employees on loan to Congressional committees.
OCLC WorldCat record
Insights and Reflections of a Congressional Nurse Detailee
Author: Kathleen M Pierce
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, v5 n2 (20040501): 113-115
Database: CrossRef
Talking Points Memo—DC
Obama White House Staff Salaries Revealed
By Versha Sharma - July 1, 2009, 6:04PM
This can’t be a complete list of WH staff. What’s a “Detailee” in the Obama admin? A contractor? Do they get benefits? Are they full-time? Permanent? Why aren’t they “Employees”?
Posted by readytoblowagasket
July 2, 2009 9:27 AM
A detailee is a federal employee who is ‘borrowed ‘by the White House from another federal agency (including civil servants and active service military).
The other federal agency continues to pay salary and benefits of the detailee, but the person does work at the White House.
‘Detailing’ allows the White House to obtain dedicated specialized expertise without actually having to hire onto the White House staff. This usually is for short-term but high profile projects.
‘Detailees’ may only work ouside of their home agencies for a finite time. I think the usual time is 6-9 months. Any longer than that and the person should go on the White House payroll.
Unlike White House political appointees, detailees are specifically prohibited from engaging in political activity.
Vice President Cheney made extensive use of detailees during his tenure.
Posted by Citoyen92
July 2, 2009 10:24 AM
CNN Political Ticker 
Just how much can you make at the White House?
By: CNN Political Research Director Robert Yoon
July 2nd, 2010 10:13 AM ET
(CNN) – Working at the White House includes long days, 7-day work weeks, and a demanding boss who just happens to have his finger on the button.
So what’s the going rate to put up with these working conditions?
According to the salary list released by the administration Thursday, 23 White House staffers make $172,000, while two “detailees” – Michael Harsh and Timothy Love – top the list at nearly $180,000. “Detailees” are employees from other government offices who have been assigned to work at the White House for a period of time.