Deskfast (desk + breakfast)

“Deskfast” (desk + breakfast) is a breakfast eaten at an office desk. The breakfast usually consists of simply prepared, ready-to-eat foods. Fantastic Foods of Petaluma, California, introduced the first cereal cup and was credited for coining the word “deskfast” in 1996.
The term “deskfast” has been especially popular in the United Kingdom.
American Heritage Dictionary: desk·fast
n. Informal
Breakfast that is eaten at a desk, as at work.
Word Spy
(DESK.fust) n. Breakfast eaten at a desk. —v., adj.
Earliest Citation:
Though most people still eat breakfast at home, increasing numbers of Americans are leaving home in the morning and waiting until they reach their destination before eating breakfast — a trend recently dubbed, “desk-breakfast” or “deskfast.”
—“Time, Career, Nutrition, Make ‘Eating Deskfast’ a Popular Option,” PR Newswire, October 10, 1996
27 October 1996, Milwaukee (WI) Journal-Sentinel, “Just Add Water” by Karen Herzog:
Or how about “deskfast” in a cup—another new just-add-water concept. “Deskfast” is a buzzword coined by Fantastic Foods for the trend of waiting to eat breakfast until arriving at work. Deskfasters want a fast, easy-to-prepare breakfast with minimal cleanup.
The Free Library
It’s in the cups. (1997)
Breakfast? No, it’s deskfast.
In 1995, Fantastic Foods of Petaluma, Calif., launched the first cereal cup. “We didn’t do any test marketing, we just launched nationally in natural food stores,” said Larry Tsai, vice president of marketing.
22 January 1999, USA Today, “Morning goal: BreakFASTER need for speed drives cereal killer” by Bruce Horovitz, pg. 1B:
“We call it deskfast,” says Tom Vierhile, general manager at Marketing Intelligence Service.
30 June 1999, The Independent (London), “The ‘Deskfast’ of Champions” by Andrew Gumbel, pg. B4:
Deskfast is what the meal is rapidly being renamed by marketing whizzes and it is we are told the wave of the future.
Google Books
Restaurant Business
Volume 98, Issues 7-12
Pg. ?:
The number of breakfasts eaten at the office, “deskfasts,” doubled between 1990 and 1996, with the average US worker eating at the office 15 times a year according to NPD Food Service Information Group in Rosemont, IL.
24 May 2000, Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, “New stuff to pop into toasters so convenient you don’t even need flatware,” pg. F5:
A new vocabulary—“deskfast” and “dashboard dining—is springing up to describe the adjustment.
Daily Mail (London)
June 6, 2011
The great British Deskfast
According to a new survey, the old-fashioned leisurely breakfast is rapidly being replaced by deskfast - packaged breakfasts designed to be eaten while you work.
Today, there are more cereal bars, smoothies and instant savoury breakfasts than ever before.
The Poke
The A-Z of Office Slanguage
Jun 10th, 2011
Al desco dining – eating at your desk. See also Deskfast
Deskfast - eating your breakfast at your desk (via @GriffySavalas)