
“Dependistan” (depend + -stan, such as Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) is a term than means a country where the population relies on government handouts. Conservative author and columnist used “Dependistan” in his book, After America: Get Ready for Armageddon (2011), and in many of his columns.
There is one citation for “Dependistan” in January 7, 2011 that predates Steyn’s use of the term.
Libertarian Republican
MARYLAND: Republican and Democrat delegates far away from each other on legislative priorities
Anonymous said…
What about the good folks out west? I say we expel PG, Montgomery, Howard, Baltimore city and Baltimore county south of Timonium. Let them form their own state of Dependistan.
January 7, 2011 at 9:42 AM
Google Books
After America:
Get Ready for Armageddon

By Mark Steyn
Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc.
Pg. 229:
From the English-language edition of Pravda:
Family Becomes Extinct, To Be Replaced with Feminism and Gender Equality
Artvoice Weekly Edition » Issue v10n22 (06/02/2011)
Welcome to Dependistan!
by Bruce Fisher
A primer for Cuomo’s new economic team
As the long-awaited northern summer arrives, the next phase of our new governor’s term begins.
Orange County (CA) Register
Published: July 20, 2012 Updated: July 22, 2012 7:31 a.m.
Mark Steyn: Obama builds roadblocks, not roads
In reality, the President of Dependistan has put nothing but roadblocks in the path to opportunity and growth.
Richard C. Young
Golden Gateway to Dependency … Excellent by Mark Steyn “the president of Dependistan” #tcot #tlot #teaparty
9:49 AM - 23 Jul 12
Jewish World Review
Aug 13, 2012 / 25 Menachem-Av, 5772
Obama the great disabler
By Mark Steyn
More Americans have been disabled by Obama than have been given cancer by Mitt Romney. “Ask yourself, ‘Are you more disabled now than you were four years ago?’ Obama 2012.” Followed by the wheelchair logo with the Obama “O” where the wheel should be. In the Democrats’ Dependistan, the wheelchair ramp is downhill all the way.
Mark Caldwell
Family becomes extinct, to be replaced by feminism, gender equality and multiculturalism, as Dependistan descends to 9th layer of hell
4:24 AM - 12 Mar 13
National Review Online—The Corner
SNAP, Crackle, and Bust
By Mark Steyn
March 17, 2013 8:45 A.M.
From Eli Saslow in the Washington Post, a portrait of America as Dependistan:
He wiped the front counter and smoothed the edges of a sign posted near his register. “Yes! We take Food Stamps, SNAP, EBT!”