Department of Fatherland Security (Department of Homeland Security or DHS nickname)

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 on New York City and Washington, DC. Critics of the DHS claim that it is a private army against the citizens of the United States, destroying civil liberties. The Homeland Security nickname of “Department of Fatherland Security” echoes the terminology of Nazi Germany and the Schutzstaffel (S.S.).
“The Homeland (Fatherland) Security bill” was cited in print in October 2002. “Most Americans remember his Office of Fatherland Security, known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and Schutzstaffel, simply by its most famous agency’s initials: the SS” was also cited in October 2002. “Department of Fatherland Security” was cited in print in November 2002. “Department of Fatherland Security” has frequently been used by Thomas DiLorenzo on the blog
Other Department of Homeland Security nicknames include “Department of Homeland Insecurity” (the title of a Frank Rich article in the New York Times of June 8, 2002),  “Department of Homeland Surveillance” (cited in a 2003 book), “Department of Homeland Stupdity” (cited in print since at least June 2003), “Department of Homeless Security” (cited in print since at least March 2003), “Department of Hopeless Security” (cted in print since at least September 2004), “Department of Homeless Insecurity” (cited in print since at least October 2004) and “Department of Homeland Sabotage” (cited in print since at least February 2009).
Wikipedia: United States Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of the United States federal government, created in response to the September 11 attacks, and with the primary responsibilities of protecting the United States of America and U.S. territories (including protectorates) from and responding to terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters. The Department of Homeland Security, and not the United States Department of the Interior, is equivalent to the Interior ministries of other countries. In fiscal year 2011, DHS was allocated a budget of $98.8 billion and spent, net, $66.4 billion.
6 October 2002, The Idaho Statesman (Boise, ID), Letters:
If the United Nations is coerced into allowing this war, and the Homeland (Fatherland) Security bill is passed, war will occur and we will be governed by a dictatorship.
Common Dreams
Published on Friday, October 25, 2002 by
Madison’s Ghost on The Intoxicated Presidency – and its Corporate Support Group
by Thom Hartmann
Most Americans remember his Office of Fatherland Security, known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and Schutzstaffel, simply by its most famous agency’s initials: the SS.
26 November 2002, Newsday (Long Island, NY), “Job Security Takes A Bad Turn in DC” by Robert Reno, pg. A32:
Had it been called The Department of Fatherland Security it might have suggested alien Teutonic concepts, and had it been called something like The Department of Terror Suppression it might have scared people.
September 30, 2006
The Fatherland Protection Racket
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
The Department of Fatherland (Oops, I mean “Homeland”) Security (DHS) was not simply a response to 9/11. Our rulers had planned for an Orwellian bureaucracy of that sort years in advance, with the twelve-member Rudman-Hart Commission, originated under Bill Clinton’s administration. 9/11 provided the perfect excuse. Professor Bennett reveals exactly how the plot was hatched.
The BLog
Fatherland Security
Posted by Lew Rockwell on July 10, 2007 12:01 PM
Reports YahooNews: “Metallica singer James Hetfield was investigated by UK airport officials who believed he was a terrorist this week, it has been claimed.”
Political Vel Craft
Posted by Volubrjotr on November 25, 2011
Unconstitutional Nazi Fatherland Security: Napolitano Hush On TSA Sodomy Charges!
The suspect, Harold Glen Rodman, 52, allegedly was wearing his uniform and displayed a badge to the victim, a 37-year-old woman.
The Blog
A Missed Opportunity for Fatherland ‘Security’
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on July 20, 2012 07:18 AM
Upon hearing of the horrific murder of a dozen or more people at a theater in Colorado this morning, the first thing to pop into my mind was this: What a shame some bloated, puffy-faced, scowling TSA bureaucrat did not fondle the crotches, female breasts, and butt cheeks of every one of those moviegoers (you know, like they do at the airports) before allowing them to take their seats. The whole thing could have been avoided.
AnandTech Forums
Juror No. 8
10-16-2012, 12:53 PM
Department of Fatherland Security Graduates First Class of Homeland Youths
I’m so proud of my Fatherland. This really chokes me up!
The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930’s Germany. Regardless of their name, the Dept of Homeland Security has just graduated its first class of 231 Homeland Youth. Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the President’s AmeriCorp volunteers, they represent the first wave of DHS’s youth corps, designed specifically to create a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA Youth across the country.

On September 13, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps first-responders. Image courtesy of While the idea of having a volunteer force of tens of thousands of volunteers scattered across the country to aid in times of natural disasters sounds great, the details and timing of this new government army is somewhat curious, if not disturbing. 

DSL Reports
2013-04-21 12:24:50
US Dept of Fatherland Security -> wants new border fees
Homeland Security’s proposed new Canada-U.S. border fee prompts alarm in New York State
The Blog
What a Bunch of Garbage
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on May 18, 2013 07:40 AM
I keep reading more and more articles about how the Department of Fatherland Security and other government agencies is getting citizens to spy on each other and “say something” if you “see something.”