Democalypse (democracy + apocalypse)

“Democalypse” (democracy + apocalypse) was the catchphrase that Comedy Central’s The Daily Show applied to the 2012 U.S. presidential election. “Democalypse 2012” aired on June 11, 2012, followed by many other similarly titled segments.
The term “democalypse” had been infrequently used before 2012. “Signs of the Democalypse” was on Twitter on January 25, 2010.
Signs of the Democalypse: #tcot #tlot
8:35 PM - 25 Jan 2010
Google Groups: alt.alien.research
Re-ping the “Morons of the Obamacalypse”
Looks like the Republican “Horsemen of the Democalypse” a galloping towards the Main Event in November.
American Thinker
July 19, 2011
Obama and the Coming Democalypse
By Christopher Chantrill
President Obama is evidently feeling the pressure from the current shenanigans over a routine hike in the debt ceiling.
The Daily Show
Democalypse 2012 - Caucasiastan
Aired:  06/11/12
Larry Wilmore breaks down the lack of diversity in Mitt Romney’s campaign ad and explains the course of “white flight” from Obama 2008 to Obama 2012. (5:04)
The Daily Show
Democalypse 2012 - Pander Express Edition - Obama’s Immigration Reform
Aired:  06/19/12
Republicans criticize President Obama for using executive authority to bypass the legislature and institute the DREAM Act. (6:57)
The Daily Show
Democalypse 2012 - The New New Low Edition
Aired:  08/15/12
Joe Biden’s gaffe triggers Republican DEFCON Apes**t from prominent pundits like Sarah Palin, who decry the Obama White House’s divisive campaign tactics. (5:31)
Urban Dictionary
The end or destruction of the democracy. An event resulting in great loss and misfortune
Last presidential debate shows the possibility of Democalypse.
by Abdi Mahad October 22, 2012
The Daily Show
Post Democalypse 2012 - America Takes a Shower
Aired:  11/07/12
All it took for a reelected Barack Obama to get his groove back was the fact that he never has to run for president again. (3:07)
Google Books
The Ultimate Daily Show and Philosophy:
More Moments of Zen, More Indecision Theory

Edited by Jason Holt
Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pg. 2:
As for “indecision theory,” fans of The Daily Show are familiar with their longstanding election coverage tag: “Indecision 20_” (there having been Indecisions 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012, plus midterm Indecisions 2002, 2006, and 2010—although “Democalypse 2012” seems to have proved a more popular label, at least up until Stewart and Colbert’s joint election-night coverage).
Gossip Gorilla
Jon Stewart Predicts 2016 Election Will Be A Lame #Remix Of Bush vs. Clinton -  It’s “Democalypse 2014: 2016…
5:22 PM - 8 May 2014