
“Delay and pray” is what a lender might do with a “toxic” asset, such as a mortgage. A bank doesn’t want to foreclose and take possession of the property, so it often applies a “delay and pray” strategy with the homeowner, praying that smaller or late payments are better than none. “Delay and pray” has been used in the financial community since at least August 2009.
A similar term (also from mid-2009) is “extend and pretend.”
Marketplace from American Public Media
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
How long can banks ‘delay and pray’?
Kai Ryssdal talks to Marketplace’s Senior Business Correspondent Bob Moon about a risky strategy by banks to put off dealing with the toxic assets that mucked up the economy and are still on their balance sheets.
Real Estate Advisor
Real Estate Stock Talk: Will Hobbled Landlords Become REITs?

Stephane Fitch, 09.23.09, 12:25 PM EDT
Peter Slatin, Real Capital Analytics: That would be nice. But with just-changed and relaxed rules governing securitized loans (which include commercial mortgage-backed securities), there is additional incentive to hold on to assets rather than sell. Call it “extend and pretend” or “delay and pray,” but it will continue.

New Business September 24, 2009, 5:00PM EST
Sunstone’s Loan Troubles: A Cautionary Tale
The hotel investor’s scramble to rework loans highlights the gridlock adding to commercial real estate’s woes

By Christopher Palmeri
The standoff between borrowers and lenders, like those in the residential market, will only exacerbate the problems in commercial real estate. On Sept. 15 the U.S. Treasury Dept. and the IRS announced rules designed to give bondholders more flexibility to modify loans. But bondholders low down on the food chain still have little incentive to cut deals. If they do, they risk losing their entire stake since their investment is often wiped out first. The result is that negotiations often end in gridlock, or what some in the industry call “delay and pray.” When they delay too long, borrowers can end up in foreclosure, which depresses the market further.
Readers’ Comments - NYTimes,com
Queens, NY
January 2nd, 20103:51 pm
The Treasury Dept’s program is another variation of “extend and pretend” and “delay and pray.” Banks simply want to get as much fee income from homeowners as possible before the inevitable foreclosure sale, since they know they’ll have to recognize a large loss at that point, and they won’t realistically be able to go after the homeowner for the balance (since the homeowner doesn’t have the money to pay it, and likely never will).
Money Magnet
March 12, 2010
“Delay and Pray” is new mantra of PE firms
Rather than addressing the underlying problem of too much debt, private equity firms’ refinancing of debt at their portfolio companies is simply extending the problems out to some point further in the future, say distressed investors.