“Dairy is scary”

“Dairy is scary” is an anti-dairy saying that has been printed on many images. The “scary” parts include both the production or milk and the human consumption effects of milk.
“Dairy is Scary” was printed in Earth First (Tucson, AZ) on March 31, 1998. ” The ‘real’ stuff comes loaded w/ pus & blood: http://twitpic.com/jvcte Dairy is Scary: http://ow.ly/rVky” was posted on X/Twitter by PETA on October 9, 2009. “DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes” was posted on YouTube on December 27, 2015.
31 March 1998, Earth First (Tucson, AZ), “Why Dairy Is Scary,” pg. 20:
Dairy is Scary
Artificial insemination is now responsible for 65 to 75 percent of all conceptions in the dairy herd. Females are often reared on milk substitutes to become dairy herd replacements and begin, at 18 to 24 months of age, the cycle of continual pregnancies. From birth, cows are bred to fill niches in the beef and dairy industries.
The least healthy of the calves are sent to slaughter for pet food or to provide veal for pies or the rennet extracted from their stomachs for cheesemaking. Some are sold at 1 to 2 weeks old to fatten in pens. Others are reared as bulls, spending their lives in solitary confinement, their sperm collected for artificial insemination to turn out the next generation pieces in the cruel puzzle.
Jon Foreman
@technohippie - dairy is scary… and it tastes bad… really bad! And cheese generally stinks. It will make your insides turn to goo. 😊
10:58 AM · Jan 22, 2009
Jennifer C. 🌻
@thecheckoutgirl You need to take a wander through the grocery section at Target sometime.  The dairy is scary. And I am Dr Seuss.
9:11 PM · Mar 26, 2009
Jon Foreman
@KatieRogers - oh yeah, brie is good. I love cheese. Period. Although I’m told that dairy is scary. 😊
8:10 PM · Apr 14, 2009
Jared Hardy
Dairy is scary.
11:49 AM · Jun 29, 2009
The ‘real’ stuff comes loaded w/ pus & blood: http://twitpic.com/jvcte Dairy is Scary: http://ow.ly/rVky
1:57 PM · Oct 9, 2009
Google Groups: ar-news
Meatout Mondays Newsletter
FARM Media
Oct 30, 2009, 6:18:08 PM
Dairy is Scary
If you’re thinking of sipping on a glass of cow’s milk to wash down your Halloween goodies, you might want to reconsider. Major studies linking milk and prostate cancer have appeared in medical journals since the 1970s. Two of six cohort studies (research studies following groups of people over time) found increased risk with higher milk intakes. Five studies comparing cancer patients to healthy individuals found a similar association. One of these, conducted in northern Italy, found that frequent dairy consumption could increase risk by two and one-half times.
DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes
Erin Janus
Dec 27, 2015
Dairy is scary. Please share this video with anyone and everyone who still thinks dairy is just fine!
The Guardian (UK)
Dairy is scary. The public are waking up to the darkest part of farming
Thu 30 Mar 2017 04.00 EDT
Photographs of industrial rows of cramped pens, each imprisoning a solitary calf, will shock those who still believe in the fairytale of the pastoral dairy farm, where blushing maidens milk smiling cows. Welfare legislation says that calves should only be held in solitary pens until they are eight weeks old, but Animal Equality claims that the battery calves it photographed at Grange Dairy in Dorset are up to six months old – too large for their hutches– and say that some have grazes on their backs. But trading standard officers say there is no evidence of any breach of animal welfare requirements. Marks & Spencer, which sells milk from the farm, said it was “disappointed” to see the report, but it has refused to drop the supplier.
Green Bay (WI) Press Gazette
Is dairy ‘scary’? Milk, cheese producers push back against billboard message
Doug Schneider
Published 2:03 p.m. CT Feb. 14, 2020
ASHWAUBENON - The message is cryptic, yet attention-grabbing.
“Dairy is Scary,” a billboard at Ashland and Lombardi avenues announces in big, white capital letters on a black background. There’s no further explanation.
The message is part of a campaign, in the United States and Canada, to draw attention to what the principals say are issues of animal cruelty, health dangers and other “scary” elements of the dairy industry.
Billboards have gone up as far away as Los Angeles, Atlanta and eastern Canada. The Atlanta billboards were posted before the 2019 Super Bowl.
OCLC WorldCat record
Dairy is Scary A Philosophical Perspective
Author: Juliana Buchanan
Article, 2021
Publication: Perceptions, 6, 20210525