Cuckservative (cuckolded + conservative)

The term “cuckservative” (cuckolded + conservative) went viral in July 2015. The term describes a conservative who, for example, tolerates illegal immigration and open borders—things that go against and ultimately destroy conservative values. The conservative is “cuckolded.”
“A liberal is just a conservative that hasn’t been cucked yet. Looking for paleo-con man missile to do this. #cuckservative” was cited on Twitter on April 1, 2010, but this is possibly an isolated use. “I’ve been over using that insult lately cucklord, cuckservative, democuck cuck sucker, list goes on” was cited on Twitter on January 14, 2015. “The Cuckservative @cuckservative” first posted on Twitter on April 3, 2015.
The websites The Right Stuff and My Posting Career (MPC) helped popularize the term.
horned up rando
A liberal is just a conservative that hasn’t been cucked yet. Looking for paleo-con man missile to do this. #cuckservative #tcot #tcuck
4:48 PM - 1 Apr 2010
@Rathgrith027_SL @_icze4r I’ve been over using that insult lately cucklord, cuckservative, democuck cuck sucker, list goes on
1:47 PM - 14 Jan 2015
Disciple of Tyr
@Ricky_Vaughn99 All of these cuckservative Bibi cock-sucking posts make me less intelligent.
10:54 PM - 3 Mar 2015
Ethan Enkisson
Ok mister cuckservative, tell me more how threats to jews and israel are more important than threats to myself and my own nation.
10:25 PM - 19 Mar 2015
The Cuckservative
Cuckservative protip: Wile E. Coyote lawgic traps may not work in internet slapfights with liberals but that’s all @seanhannity taught us.
7:46 PM - 3 Apr 2015
Radix Journal
Alfred W. Clark · July 16, 2015
Among the alt-right crowds, one of the most fascinating labels has emerged:  The Cuckservative (aka Conservacuck).
Very basically, the cuckservative is a white gentile conservative (or libertarian) who thinks he’s promoting his own interests but really isn’t.  In fact, the cuckservative is an extreme universalist and seems often to suffer from ethnomasochism & pathological altruism. In short, a cuckservative is a white (non-Jewish) conservative who isn’t racially aware.
In some ways, the cuckservative is the counterpart of the SJW (social justice warrior), and they are more alike than dissimilar. You often will hear the cuckservative screaming at an SJW about how “the Democrats are the real racists.”
Erick Erickson
@baseballcrank @EsotericCD @EdMorrissey I read an article describing what a “cuckservative” is.  Essentially, it is a Christian who votes.
9:31 AM - 23 Jul 2015
The Daily Caller
What’s Behind The ‘Cuckservative’ Slur? (NSFW)
Senior Contributor
11:54 AM 07/23/2015
The goal is to obviously combine the words cuckolded with conservative.
A cuckold, of course, is a legitimate word for the husband of an adulterous wife — but that doesn’t really do justice to what they’re suggesting here, either. The people who throw this term around are most likely referencing a type of pornography whereby a (usually, white) man is “humiliated” (or ironically thrilled) by being forced to watch his wife having sex with another (usually, black) man. I’m not going to link to this, but feel free to Google it.
So what does this have to do with conservatism or politics? By supporting immigration reform, criminal justice reform, etc., a white conservative is therefore surrendering his honor and masculinity (and it won’t be long before his women folk are compromised, as well!). A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor.
The Right Stuff
Cuckservatives, Trump, and the Future of the West
Bob Steinberg •  Published July 23, 2015
Here at TRS we’re proud to have created and popularized several terms that have taken the internet by storm, and even made their way into the mainstream media.
One of these terms is “Cuckservative”.
Occam’s Razor
Credit where it’s due: It was @MPCtxt, @ThaRightStuff & @cuckservative who first popularized #cuckservative. Update:
4:27 PM - 23 Jul 2015
@EsotericCD @MPCtxt first coined #cuckservative, popularized by @cuckservative , then @RadixJournal . Get your facts straight, goon.
5:55 PM - 23 Jul 2015
The Right Stuff
Cuckservatism: Response to Ace
Hateful Heretic •  Published July 25, 2015
Ace is one of the original edgy libertarians. He recently discovered the trending #cuckservative hashtag on Twitter and wrote up this response. It is fairly uninformed and misses the mark. But since Ace is a serious blogger, I thought he deserved a serious response. The most important thing is to define a cuckservative.
The Definition
A cuckservative is a self-styled “conservative” who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country’s people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them.