Crybully (crybaby + bully)

A “crybully” (crybaby + bully) is someone who wants to claim victimization so he or she can bully others. The claim might be in the form of a hoax or an exaggerated, overplayed incident.
“CryBully: I cry when other people cry. Libidiot turds” was cited on Twitter pn March 29, 2010. The term was popularized in The Spectator (UK), “Meet the Cry-Bully: a hideous hybrid of victim and victor” by Julie Burchill, on April 21, 2015:
“This is the age of the Cry-Bully, a hideous hybrid of victim and victor, weeper and walloper.”
“Crymobs, Crybullying and the Left’s Whiny War on Speech”—“crybully” as a verb—by Daniel Greenfield in Frontpage Mag on November 12, 2015, stated:
“The victimocracy’s foot soldier is the crybully. The crybully is the abuser who pretends to be a victim. His arguments are his feelings. He comes armored in identity politics entitlement and is always yelling about social justice or crying social justice tears.”
Little Green Parrot
CryBully: I cry when other people cry. Libidiot turds LOL! #p2 || <--- I'm always astounded by the intellectual depth of such communiques.

1:27 PM - 29 Mar 2010
The Spectator (UK)
21 April 2015
Meet the Cry-Bully: a hideous hybrid of victim and victor
Julie Burchill
In the 1970s, there was a big difference between bullies and cry-babies.
Fast forward some four decades and things are not so simple. This is the age of the Cry-Bully, a hideous hybrid of victim and victor, weeper and walloper. They are everywhere, these duplicit Pushmi-Pullyus of the personal and the political, from Celebrity Big Brother to the frontline of Islamism.
Peter Maynard
‏@PeterMaynard14 Peter Maynard Retweeted lynda
She is a classic “crybully”....someone who claims to have been bullied, so she can bully them.  Peter Maynard added,
lynda @lynda1sherer
#auspol not real smart is she
9:38 AM - 8 Jun 2015
The Daily Wire
NOVEMBER 9, 2015
Yale Cry-Bully Screams Halloween’s Infringing On Her “Safe Space”
Can’t make this up. Yale, yes that elite Ivy League institution, just had a student-led protest against their administrative staff for not creating enough of a “safe space” for them to feel comfortable during the scary time known as HALLOWEEN! The grievance these Social Justice Warrior cry-bullies whined about was that the staff wasn’t going to speak out against “potentially offensive” costumes that may pop around campus.
Frontpage Mag
Shut up, they’re upset!
November 12, 2015 Daniel Greenfield (Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.)
The left is a victimhood cult. It feeds off pain and fetishizes suffering as a moral commodity to be sold and resold in exchange for political power.
The cult’s credo is that its solutions to human suffering take precedence over freedom or democracy. It exploits suffering when it can and creates it where it can’t. Its social media has ushered in the Warholian era of victimhood where everyone can be a famously oversharing victim for 15 trending minutes.
Forget about meritocracy. This is the victimocracy.
The victimocracy’s foot soldier is the crybully. The crybully is the abuser who pretends to be a victim. His arguments are his feelings. He comes armored in identity politics entitlement and is always yelling about social justice or crying social justice tears.
If you don’t fight back, the crybully bullies you. If you fight back, the crybully cries and demands a safe space because you made him feel unsafe.
by JOHN HAYWARD 12 Nov 2015
Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Mag writes that the marvelous term “crybully” was coined by Julie Burchill at The Spectator, who described them as “a hideous hybrid of victim and victor, weeper and walloper.”
Greenfield defines a crybully as “the abuser who pretends to be a victim. His arguments are his feelings. He comes armored in identity politics entitlement and is always yelling about social justice, or crying social justice tears.”
Marvelous term “crybully” coined by Julie Burchill-The Spectator,describes them as “a hideous hybrid of victim & victor, weeper & walloper.”
7:49 PM - 12 Nov 2015