Cowgirls (Dallas Cowboys nickname)

The Dallas Cowboys football team has many fans, but also many detractors. Some of these detractors (or fans critical of the team) use the feminine of cowboy—cowgirl. The team has been derided with the “Dallas Cowgirls” nickname since at least 1970.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders were first organized for the 1972-73 season. Although not called the “Dallas Cowgirls,” the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have often unofficially been called this name (without the derogatory use as when applied to the football team).
Urban Dictionary
Dallas Cowgirls
Some dumbass nickname created by someone who thought they were the cleverest motherfucker alive. Probably spawned by a Washington Redskin fan, unknowing of how many less Super Bowl titles they have than the Cowboys.
Redskins Fan: I’ve got an idea! Let’s call them the Dallas Cowgirls! HAHA!
Cowboys Fan: Excuse me? I couldn’t hear you. I have 5 Lombardi trophies blocking my ears.

by cowboysarebetter Aug 16, 2009
Wikipedia: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) are the National Football League cheerleading squad for the Dallas Cowboys.
In the early 1970s, Cowboys manager Tex Schramm decided to change their image to boost attendance. At first he simply tried hiring professional models but that did not work due to the their lack of athletic ability. He then knew that he needed professional dancers with stamina who would be able to perform through an entire game. He worked with local choreographer Texie Waterman, who was charged with auditioning and training an entirely new and unique squad which would combine an attractive appearance, athletic ability, and talent as performers.
This group, The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders appeared on the sidelines during the 1972–1973 NFL season.
10 January 1970, El Paso (TX) , pg. 6, col. 1:
Whatever happened to the Dallas Cowboys’ “Doomsday Defense?” Doomsday seems to be an ironical fitting term for the Cowboys, or as they’ve lately been referred to as the Dallas Cowgirls.
28 August 1970, Dallas (TX)

, “Paul Crume’s Big D,” sec. A, pg. 1:
The stewardess said she was from Dallas and always rooted for the Dallas Cowgirls.
“Don’t you mean the Cowboys?”
“No,” said the young lady, “they have so many problems they’re bound to be cowgirls.”
15 October 1977, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “A Challenger” by John Anders, sec. F, pg. 1:
“We, the Buffalo Jills…have had it,” reads the challenge. “We are at the breaking point. No longer will we sit still for all those who rant and rave about the Dallas Cowgirls. We are hereby issuing a challenge to the Dallas cheerleaders. We will prove that a great team and sexy uniforms do not cheerleaders make.”
22 April 1978, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “CBS thinks it has real cheerleaders,” pg. 85:
LOS ANGELES (AP)—Attractive women from Dallas and Denver have done a lot to bring cheerleading into focus, so to speak. But ine interested observer maintains the Dallas Cowgirls and the Denver Pony Express—prominent at the Super Bowl—are really no more than dancers. 
Dallas (TX) Observer
Broncos 17, Cowgirls 10. My Top 10 Observations.
By Richie Whitt in Dallas Cowboys
Sun., Oct. 4 2009 @ 6:45PM
mark perez says:
Cowgirls huh? seems I heard that before. maybe 1,2,3 or 10 years ago!
Posted On: Monday, Oct. 5 2009 @ 8:08PM