Cowboy Bloody Mary (cocktail)

A Cowboy Bloody Mary is a Bloody Mary with horseradish and okra. It’s a “signature spirit” of the Perini Ranch in Buffalo Gap, Texas.
Perini Ranch Steakhouse (Buffalo Gap, TX)
Perini Ranch Signature Spirits
Wash it all down with these one-of-a-kind thirst quenchers!
Cowboy Bloody Mary $6.00
This is no ordinary Bloody Mary. Made with horseradish and served with pickled okra, “hair of the dog” now has bite!
Without Vodka, it would be a Bloody Shame!
San Angelo Standard-Times
Cowboy cooking tradition continues
Staff Writer
Even though cowboy cooking is an age-old tradition, it manages to get fans to this day. Tom Perini, author of “Texas Cowboy Cooking” (Time-Life, $24.95) and owner of the Perini Ranch Steakhouse in Buffalo Gap, attributes the popularity to two things.

One is nostalgia. “It’s food that people are really comfortable with,” he said. “It’s what their grandmothers fixed.”

The other factor is popularity of the cowboy culture. “The food is just part of it,” he said. “People are fascinated by the cowboy mystique and the Old West.”
Cowboy Bloody Mary

1 1/2 cups vodka
48 ounces tomato juice
3 tablespoon horseradish
1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
Salt, pepper, celery salt to taste
2 teaspoons Tabasco
10 to 12 pickled okra

Make in a 2-quart pitcher. Moisten rim and coat with celery salt. Combine vodka, tomato juice, and horseradish and mix well. Pour over ice. Add the Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, and celery salt to taste. Add Tabasco to taste. Garnish with okra. The non-alcoholic version is called “Bloody Shame” because there’s no vodka in it.

— Above recipe from “Texas Cowboy Cooking”