Corrupticut (corrupt + Connecticut)

The nickname “Corrupticut” ((corrupt + Connecticut) began in 2003, during the political troubles of Governor John G. Rowland. The New York (NY) Times published “The Nutmeg State Battles the Stigma of Corrupticut” on March 28, 2003. Rowland resigned in July 2004.
The “Corupticut” nickname has long outlived Rowland’s administration is still in use.
New York (NY) Times
The Nutmeg State Battles the Stigma of Corrupticut
Published: March 28, 2003
For the record, not everyone in Connecticut is a crook.
But this is no longer obvious, considering recent news headlines. In the past two weeks, the mayor of Bridgeport was convicted on corruption charges, the former mayor of Waterbury was found guilty of sex crimes against children, and Gov. John G. Rowland’s former deputy chief of staff admitted taking bribes from a well-connected state contractor.
Needless to say, the recent revelations, investigations and perturbations have thrown mud on Connecticut’s reputation as the cute little Nutmeg State, the churchly ‘‘land of steady habits’’ where rules are rules and people are good. Nowadays, from Storrs to Stamford, there are jokes about living in Corrupticut, Connection-icut or, the new favorite, Criminalicut.
Quad-City Times (Davenport, IA)
Resigned Connecticut governor’s hometown has been center of corruption universe
July 04, 2004 12:00 am
Associated Press
WATERBURY, Conn. (AP) — This hardscrabble city once known for its brass mills had hoped favorite son John G. Rowland would stay above the aura of political scandal that has become all too familiar in a state now tagged “Corrupticut.”
Instead, the brash young politician once considered a rising star in the Republican Party has resigned amid a federal corruption investigation and a threat of impeachment — adding another name to the list of Waterbury politicians tainted by misdeeds.
Google Books
The Official Dictionary of Unofficial English
By Grant Barrett
New York, NY: McGraw Hill Professional
Pg. 73:
Corrupticut n. a derisive or derogatory name for the state of Connecticut. Connecticut. Crime & Prisons. Derogatory. [The name stems from a series of corruption scandals, including one involving the state’s governor.]
Washington (DC) Post
Political Scandals Refuse To Go Away in ‘Corrupticut’
By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 3, 2006
When Rowland resigned, pleaded guilty and was sentenced in March 2005 to a year and a day in jail, “everybody thought that was going to be the end of it,” said John M. Orman, a professor of politics at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Conn. Instead, he said, the continuing parade of misdeeds has helped the state live up to a new nickname, “Corrupticut.” “We just keep having ‘em in Connecticut,” Orman said.
Urban Dictionary
Reference to the left-wing dominated state of Connecticut. The term “corrupticut” was popularized following a wave of political scandals involving the Italian Mafia, the former governor, several city mayors and state lawmakers; most of whom are or have served prison sentences.
Our taxes are so high, yet this state has nothing to show for it because the crooks running Corrupticut are in the back pocket of the Mob.
INMATE#1: What are you in prison for?
INMATE#2: Six years for burglary. How ‘bout you?
INMATE#1: Three years for being a senator from Corrupticut.

by Former CT Resident February 20, 2008