1400+ Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic quotes, jokes, riddles, puns, pickup lines, memes, etc., Pt. 5
The 2019–20 coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was eventually declared to be a worldwide pandemic. Here are some associated quotes, jokes, riddles, puns, pickup lines, memes, portmanteaus, acronyms, anagrams and terms. See also Part 1 (quotations, A-G), Part 2 (quotations, H-N), Part 3 (quotations, O-S) and Part 4 (quotations, T-Z). Please share your results with others because this website is censored by Google.
5GFlu (5G + flu)
ABV Disease (Anything But Vaccines)
Anti-masker (Antimasker)
Anti-Social Distancing
Anti-vaccer (Antivaccer)
Anti-vaxer (Antivaxer)
Anti-vaxxer (Antivaxxer)
Big Harma (Big Pharma + harm)
Big Pharma
Big Pharmafia (Big Pharma + mafia)
Boomer Doomer or Boomer Remover (COVID-19 nickname)
Boomer Remover or Boomer Doomer (COVID-19 nickname)
BS-19 (bullshit + COVID-19)
Can’t Do Crap (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Car Owner Virus (“coronavirus” malapropism)
Casedemic (case + -demic)
Cat Dog Cat Corporation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Death and Chaos (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Death and Corruption (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Death Control (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Democratic Communists (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Democratic Control (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Denial and Confusion (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Deranged Communists (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Disease Continuance (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Disease Creation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Disease Crimes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Center for Disinformation and Confusion (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Centers for Depopulation and Control (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Centers for Disease Contradiction and Confusion (CDC nickname)
Centers for Doubt & Confusion (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Centers to Deceive and Control (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Certificate Of Vaccination ID (COVID backronym)
Certificate Of Vaccine ID (COVID backronym)
Change Decisions Constantly (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Changes Decisions Constantly (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Chin Sail (face mask)
China Originated Virus In December 2019 (COVID-19 acronym/backronym)
Clotshop (vaccination site)
Clot Shot (#ClotShot)
Clottery (blood clot + lottery)
Cloud Commissary
Cloud Kitchen
Cloud Restaurant
Coincideath (coincidence + death)
Coinciditis (coincidence + -itis)
Come-Here-Naughty (Comirnaty vaccine nickname)
Compliancy Theorist
Conspiravirus (conspiracy + coronavirus)
Control Oppress Victimize Isolate Divide (COVID backronym)
Controlavirus (control + coronavirus)
Controllavirus (control + coronavirus)
Convid (con + COVID-19)
Cornteen (quarantine)
Corona Disinformation Center (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Coronacoinage (coronavirus + coinage)
Coronadult (coronavirus + adult)
Coronadulting (coronavirus + adulting)
Coronagate (coronavirus + -gate)
Coronageddon (coronavirus + Armageddon)
Coronapocalypse (coronavirus + apocalypse)
Coronatarian (coronavirus + authoritarian)
Coronatarian (coronavirus + vegetarian)
Coronavirus Disinformation Center (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Coronawirus or Corona Wirus (variant pronunciation of “coronavirus”)
Coronial (someone conceived during the time of the coronavirus)
Coveard (COVID-19/coronavirus + beard)
Covert Operation Via Infectious Disease (COVID-19 backronym)
Covert Operation Viral Infectious Disease (COVID-19 backronym)
COVID-911 (COVID-19 + 9/11)
COVID-1984 (COVID-19 + Nineteen Eighty-Four)
Covid Clown World
Covid Death Cult (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Covid Disinformation Center (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Covid Gate (COVID-19 + -gate)
Covidian (Covid + -ian)
Covidiocracy (COVID-19 + idiocracy)
Covidiot (COVID-19 + idiot)
Criminal Disinformation Center (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC nickname)
Cuomo Chips (chips that allow bars to stay open under NY Gov. Cuomo)
Cuomo Nepotism Network (CNN nickname)
Cuomo News Network (CNN nickname)
Dark Kitchen
Deathalator (death + ventilator)
Deathilator (death + ventilator)
Died Suddenly (#diedsuddenly)
Drinktator (drink + dictator)
Fabulous Invalid (Broadway)
Face Diaper (face mask)
Face Nappy (face mask)
Fauci Ouchie (Covid-19 vaccination, after Dr. Anthony Fauci)
Fakedemic (fake + pandemic)
Fauxvid-19 (faux + COVID-19)
Fauxvid-1984 (faux + COVID-19 + Nineteen Eighty-Four)
Flu Fence (face mask)
Flu Manchu (flu + Fu Manchu)
Flubro (flu + brother)
Flurona (flu + coronavirus)
Fluther (flu + truther)
Frankenjab (Frankenstein + vaccination jab)
Frankenshot (Frankenstein + vaccination shot)
Frankenvax or Frankenvaxx (Frankenstein + vaccination)
Frankenvaxx or Frankenvax (Frankenstein + vaccination)
Fraudemic or Frauddemic (fraud + epidemic/pandemic)
Frauddemic or Fraudemic (fraud + epidemic/pandemic)
Freedom Mask (face mask)
Freedom Shot (Covid vaccination nickname)
Ghost Kitchen
Ghost Restaurant
Glovetard (glove + retard)
Govidiot (government + idiot)
Great Dark Way (Broadway nickname, during theater closures)
Great Reset
Great Resignation (workers leaving jobs during Covid-19 pandemic)
Hoaxdemic (hoax + pandemic)
Hoaxvid-19 (hoax + COVID-19)
Infodemic (information + epidemic)
Isobeard (isolation + beard)
Jabbatoir (vaccination site)
Jabbo (vaccine jab)
Jabby Dodger or Jabbydodger (vaccination jab + dodger)
Jabbydodger or Jabby Dodger (vaccination jab + dodger)
Jabcab (ambulance)
Jabits Center (Javits Center used as a vaccination site)
JAVax (Javits Center used as a vaccination site; Javits + vax)
Jibjab (vaccine jab)
Kung Flu (kung fu + flu)
Lierus (lie + virus)
Lirus (lie + virus)
LMFMO (Laughing Fucking My Mask Off)
LMMO (Laughing My Mask Off)
Locktail (lockdown + cocktail)
Locktail Hour (lockdown + cocktail hour)
Mask Debate
Mask Debater
Mask Mouth
Mask Trap (police trap for enforcing face mask use)
Maskhole (face mask + asshole)
Maskne (face mask + acne)
Masktard (face mask + retard)
Moderna Mambo
Moron Virus or Morona Virus (moron + coronavirus)
Morona Virus or Moron Virus (moron + coronavirus)
Moronavirus or Moronvirus (moron + coronavirus)
Moronvirus or Moronavirus (moron + coronavirus)
Mrs. Doubtpfizer (Mrs. Doubtfire + Pfizer)
Murderna (Moderna nickname)
Namaske (namaste + mask)
National Hell Service (National Health Service or NHS nickname)
National Holocaust Service (National Health Service or NHS nickname)
National Homicide Service (National Health Service or NHS nickname)
New Abnormal
New Normal
New York Tough (#NewYorkTough)
No Vax. No Visit (vaccination and visitation policy)
Not-So-Great Reset
NSFWFH (Not Safe For Work From Home)
NY Pause (2019–20 coronavirus pandemic)
Pandejo (pandemia/pandemic + pendejo)
Pandemic of the Injected
Pandemic of the Unvaccinated
Pandemicrat (pandemic + bureaucrat)
Pandemocrat (pandemic + Democrat)
Panicdemic (panic + pandemic)
Pfatality (Pfizer + fatality)
Pfertility (Pfizer + fertility)
Pfizer Flop
Pfizer Pflop
Pfuckoff (Pfizer + fuck off)
Pharmafia (pharmaceutical company + mafia)
Pingdemic (ping + pandemic)
Plandemic (planned + pandemic)
Plandemic (plans + pandemic)
Plannedemic (planned + pandemic)
Poor Man’s Virus (COVID-19)
Poor Person’s Virus (COVID-19)
Propagandemic (propaganda + pandemic)
Psyop-19 (psyop + COVID-19)
Pundemic (pun + pandemic)
Qeaster or QEaster (quarantine + Easter)
Quackcine or Quacksine or Quackxine or Quackzine (quack + vaccine)
Quackseen (quack + vaccine)
Quacksinate (quack + vaccinate)
Quacksination (quack + vaccination)
Quacksine or Quackcine or Quackxine or Quackzine (quack + vaccine)
Quackxine or Quackcine or Quacksine or Quackzine (quack + vaccine)
Quackzine or Quackcine or Quacksine or Quackxine (quack + vaccine)
Quaranadult (quarantine + adult)
Quaranchild (quarantine + child)
Quaranchildren (quarantine + children)
QuaranEaster (quarantine + Easter)
QuarantEaster (quarantine + Easter)
Quaranteam (quarantine + team)
Quaranteaming (quarantine + teaming)
Quaranteen (quarantine + teen)
Quaranteenager (quarantine + teenager)
Quarantine 15 (weight gain)
Quarantine Coffee
Quarantine Fifteen (weight gain)
Quarantini (quarantine + martini)
Quarantiranny (quarantine + tyranny)
Quarantune (quarantine + tune)
Quarantween (quarantine + tween)
Quarantyranny (quarantine + tyranny)
Quaxine or Quaxxine or Quaxxxine (quack + vaccine)
Quaxxine or Quaxine or Quaxxxine (quack + vaccine)
Quaxxxine or Quaxine or Quaxxine (quack + vaccine)
Raw Dog Oxygen (breathing without a face mask)
Remdeathivir (Remdesivir nickname)
Ritualistic Shame Muzzle (face mask)
Run, Death Is Near (Remdesivir nickname)
Safe Six or #SafeSix (six feet apart social distancing)
Scamdemic (scam + pandemic)
Scaredemic (scare + pandemic)
Scariant (scare/scary + variant)
Shadow Kitchen
Shamdemic (sham + pandemic)
Shame Muzzle (face mask)
Social Disdancing (social distancing + dancing); DisDancing
Social Media Distancing (social media + social distancing)
Social Pisstancing (social distancing + pissing)
Streatery (street + eatery)
Streetery (street + eatery)
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
Sudden Athlete Death Syndrome (SADS)
Sudden Invented Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Sudden Invented Syndrome Syndrome (SISS)
Tridemic (flu + RSV + COVID)
Trikini (tri- + bikini; a bikini with a face mask)
Triquini (tri- + quarantine + bikini; a bikini with a face mask)
Twindemic (twin + -demic)
Vaccassinate (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate)
Vaccassination (vaccine/vaccination + assassination)
Vaccident or Vaxxident or Vaxxxident (vaccine + accident)
Vaccinazi (vaccine + Nazi)
Vaccine Bouncer or Vax Bouncer or Vaxx Bouncer
Vackseen (variant spelling of “vaccine”)
Vackseenz (variant spelling of “vaccines”)
Vacksinashun (variant spelling of “vaccination”)
Vacksinate (variant spelling of “vaccinate”)
Vacksination (variant spelling of “vaccination”)
Vax Bouncer or Vaccine Bouncer or Vaxx Bouncer
Vaxassinate (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate)
Vaxassination (vaccine/vaccination + assassination)
Vaxdemic (vaccine + epidemic/pandemic)
Vaxie or Vaxxie (vaccine/vaccination selfie)
Vaxist or Vaxxist
Vaxlash (vaccine + backlash)
Vaxport or Vaxxport (vaccine passport)
Vaxtard (vaccine + retard)
Vaxtastrophe or Vaxxtastrophe (vax/vaccine + catastrophe)
Vaxterminate (vaccine/vaccinate + exterminate)
Vaxtermination (vaccine/vaccination + extermination)
Vaxx Bouncer or Vaccine Bouncer or Vax Bouncer
Vaxxassinate (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate)
Vaxxassination (vaccine/vaccination + assassination)
Vaxxecute (vaccinate + execute)
Vaxxecution (vaccination + execution)
Vaxxident or Vaxxxident or Vaccident (vaccine + accident)
Vaxxie or Vaxie (vaccine/vaccination selfie)
Vaxxist or Vaxist
Vaxxport or Vaxport (vaccine passport)
Vaxxtastrophe or Vaxtastrophe (vax/vaccine + catastrophe)
Vaxxxident or Vaxxident or Vaccident (vaccine + accident)
Virtual Kitchen
Virtual Restaurant
Waccinate (variant spelling of “vaccinate”)
Waccination (variant spelling of “vaccination”)
Waccine (wack + vaccine)
Waxinate or Waxxinate or Waxxxinate (variant spelling of “vaccinate”)
Waxination or Waxxination (variant spelling of “vaccination”)
Waxxinate or Waxinate or Waxxxinate (variant spelling of “vaccinate”)
Waxxination or Waxination (variant spelling of “vaccination”)
Waxxine (wack + vaccine)
Waxxxinate or Waxinate or Waxxinate (variant spelling of “vaccinate”)
We Hide Outbreaks (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
WHO d’état (WHO + coup d’état)
WHOtube (YouTube nickname)
Wirus (variant pronunciation of “virus”)
World Demonic Forum (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Elite Fascists (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Enslavement Fascists (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Enslavement Forum (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Epstein Forum (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Eugenics Forum (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Evil Force (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Evil Forum (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
World Harm Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
World Hell Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
World Hoax Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
World Holocaust Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
World Homicide Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
World Horror Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
World’s Horrible Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
Worst Health Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
Worst Hell Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
Wrecking Everyone’s Future (World Economic Forum or WEF nickname)
Wuhan Health Organization (World Health Organization or WHO nickname)
Zoombie (Zoom + zombie)
Zoominar (Zoom + seminar)