Constitutional Carry

“Constitutional Carry” refers to a citizen’s right to bear arms under the Second Amendment to the United State Constitution. Some states require permits to carry a firearm (such as a concealed carry weapons permit). but “Constitutional Carry” implies that the Constitution provides the authority and a permit is not needed. Several states have made the legislative intent clear by passing “Constitutional Carry” laws.
“Constitutional Carry” has been cited in print since at least 2009-10, when Arizona’s “Constitutional Carry” law was passed.
Wikipedia: Constitutional Carry
In the United States, Constitutional Carry is a situation within a jurisdiction in which the carrying of firearms, concealed or not, is generally not restricted by the law. When a state or other jurisdiction has adopted Constitutional Carry, it is legal for law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun, firearm, or other weapon concealed with or without an applicable permit or license. The scope and applicability of such laws or proposed legislation can vary from state to state.
The phrase “Constitutional Carry” reflects the view that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution permits no restrictions or other regulations on gun ownership, although District of Columbia v. Heller, decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2008, suggests that some state or local controls may be allowed, at least as to certain types of weapons.
Found: One Troll
Arizona Constitutional Carry Passes Senate Committee
June 19th, 2009 at 18:08 by Eseell in Too Much Time On My Hands
SB1270 passed out of the Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon with a vote of 4 Aye, 3 No, along the same lines as retaurant carry passed last week. SB1270 would permit individuals over the age of 18 who can legally own a firearm to carry a concealed weapon in public without a permit. It would also reduce the number of prohibited areas for those who do hold a CCW permit.
Arizona Citizens Defense League—Legislative Accomplishments
2010 (Republican majority Legislature, Republican Governor)
SB 1108 - The AzCDL-requested “Constitutional Carry” bill, which restored the fundamental right of law-abiding adults to carry weapons, openly or discreetly, without first seeking written permission from the government.  In essence, SB 1108 removed the prohibition and penalties for adults (21 and over) who are discreetly carrying a firearm or other weapon without a CCW permit. It also eliminated the “weapons misconduct” language dealing with open and vehicle carry that has been clouded since 1994 by Appellate Court rulings.  The CCW permit became optional.  The new law also expanded the training opportunities that qualify for obtaining an Arizona CCW permit. Forum
01-30-2010, 07:33 AM
No problem, I will use the following argument to verify the Legality of Open Carry in Alaska concerning a Loaded Handgun:
1. Law is a written Code in which Man is to live by
2. Criminal Law is written to punish certain kinds of unlawful behavior, that which is against the good order of the Community and the diginity of their Citizens
3. Criminal Law is not written to merely prevent, but rather prohibit
4. Likewise, in similiar vein, Civil Law is written to provide, not merely promote
5. To that end if a certain conduct under Criminal Law, Open Carry of a Loaded Handgun, is not made Unlawful, thus prohibited, then, it seems to me, that, nothing stands in the way of Open Carry of a Loaded Handgun.
In fact, Alaska allow both Open Carry and Concealed Carry without any Permit whatsoever. Currently, Vermont is the only other State that does so. However, other States may soon join suit, as Arizona has just filled similiar Legislation that is called: ‘Constitutional Carry’.
Arizona constitutional carry and the “Law of Unintended Consequences” 
Douglas Little, Phoenix Gun Rights Examiner
April 16, 2010
As a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, I am personally pleased to see the passage of this law permitting constitutional carry in Arizona.  However, there has been some significant controversy about several of the potential outcomes of this law.
While I won’t repeat the arguments for and against the bill, as I have reflected on the passage of SB 1108 that provides for constitutional concealed carry in Arizona, I began to think about what is most often described as the “Law of Unintended Consequences”.
05-11-2010, 11:08 PM
“Constitutional Carry”
I just read this article today and am excited if this is something will happen across the U.S. Crime will drop through the floor all over the U.S. Good for Arizona for passing this law, it’s too bad that it was done after so many years of all the bad things going on over there.
“Constitutional Carry” for Firearms
Google Books
Small Arms Survey 2011:
States of Security

A Project of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press
Pg. 295:
Such unrestricted approaches to concealed carry are sometimes referred to as ‘constitutional carry’, as some perceive it as more closely aligned to the constitutional right to bear arms.
Google Books
Gun Guys:
A Road Trip

By Dan Baum
New York, NY: Knopf
Pg. 282:
Some don’t think a permit should be required at all; they believe in “constitutional carry,” which is the law in Arizona, Vermont, and Alaska.
National Review Online—The Corner
Ohio Republicans Introduce Constitutional Carry Bill
By Charles C. W. Cooke
December 16, 2013 11:56 AM
Until a few years ago, the only state with “constitutional carry” was (by virtue of a quirk of history) Vermont. Since 2007, though, the idea has caught on, with Wyoming, Alaska, Arizona, and Arkansas all abolishing their mandatory permitting systems. As the Plain Dealer notes, the argument in favor of the provision is simple:
Lynch said the bill is an effort to treat the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment with the same freedom as other rights.
“The right in the Second Amendment is the only one in the Bill of Rights that you have to get permission for,” Lynch said.
“You don’t have to have a speech license or a worship license or a freedom of the press license,” he said. “This is designed to put the Second Amendment on equal footing.”

In other words, in states with “constitutional carry,” citizens enjoy the right to bear arms as a matter of course, rather than at the discretion of the state government.