Congresscriminal (Congress + criminal)

“Congresscriminal” (Congress + criminal) is a derogatory nickname for a member of Congress. “Anybody know of other other congresscriminals or organizations supporting this bill?” was cited in print in August 1991.
Other derogatory names for a member of Congress include “Congresscritter,” “Congressmoron” and “Congresspuke.”
Google Groups: talk.politics.drugs
anybody know of other other congresscriminals or organizations supporting this bill?
Google Groups: alt.individualism
John DiNardo  
Part 5, KILL TERRORISTIC BILL HR2768 - Oops, Politricksters Changed to HR2703
Well, folks, the politricksters of the House of Disrepresentatives are constantly demonstrating new weapons and tactics of malevolence against “we the People” of the United States. It is so flagrantly evident that these CongressCriminals have declared war on the People’s Bill of Rights that you and I have no choice but to defend ourselves from these treasonous desecrators of our sacred liberties. 
December 21, 2009
A Chill Gale Blows Off Congress
by Becky Akers
And now, Congresscriminals who renew the TSA’s budget each year wring their hands over yet another snafu from this absurd agency.
The Blog
Why Congresscriminals Want to ‘Privatize’ Rather Than Abolish the TSA
Posted by Becky Akers on September 28, 2012 09:22 AM
“L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. … announced that its Security and Detection Systems division has been awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity or ID/IQ contract by the Transportation Security Administration or TSA to supply medium-speed explosives detection systems.
The Blog
More Evidence the Congresscriminals Know Squat About the Constitution
Posted by Becky Akers on June 26, 2013 07:00 AM
“…border security and immigration law … is [sic] a ... constitutional obligation of the federal government,” according to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).