
The "condominium" form of Ownership ("condo" for short) originated in ancient Rome, not New York City. However, NYC real estate has certainly popularized this form of ownership.

A "boutique condominium" has recently been called a "condomini."

(Oxford English Dictionary)
N. Amer. An apartment house in which the units are owned individually, not by a company or co-operative; an apartment in such a building.
1962 Economist 31 Mar. 1255/1 The legal concept of buying a single flat, instead of a share in the whole building, is just making its way in the housing field in the United States where it is known as a 'condominium'.
1964 Financial Times 27 Nov. 3/6 The condominiumor the 'condo' as Chicagoans have come to know itis essentially a development from the co-operative concept. Ibid. 3/7 The principal advantage claimed for the condominium is that it permits the occupier a greater measure of independence than would be the case of the co-operative.

(Oxford English Dictionary)
orig. and chiefly N. Amer.
Colloq. abbrev. of CONDOMINIUM.
1964 [see CONDOMINIUM]. 1974 Times-Picayune (New Orleans) 3 Nov., (heading) The condo lifestyle invades uptown area.
1975 Maclean's Mag. May 19/1 Toronto's Seneca College had 250 condo directors at an intensive two-day seminar, one of many, in February.

3 August 1960, New York Times, pg. R1:

Urban Builders May Invoke
Code of Condominium for
Tenancy and Financing


Congress Will Get Plea in
May to Apply It to F.H.A.
Mortgage Insurance

The ancient Roman Law of Condominium may be invoked to provide more urban housing in the United States. The law, established in the sixth century, B. C., provided for joint sovereignty, or joint ownership of property.

The National Housing Conference, an organization of builder and developers with headquarters in Washington, will request "condominiums" in an omnibus housing program to be presented in Congress, probably in May.

The conference will ask for mortgage insurance from the Federal Housing Administration for housing built under the condominium plan, which is used in sections of Latin America, including Puerto Rico and particularly, Brazil.

The Roman Law of Condominium was applied to communal housing, specifically providing for individual ownership of a given portion of the land and the structure.

Tenants in condominium housing would share ownership of the roof, foundation, walls, land, heating plant and water system in much the same way as under the cooperative plan.

29 August 1964, Chicago Tribune, pg. W3:
Mortgage Banker
to Give Loans on
Individual Condos

New York (NY) Post
December 17, 2005 -- Like Christmas-season tourists, Dunkin' Donuts chains and "neckface" tags, new condominium developments are taking the city by storm.

This year, some 3,500 to 4,000 new condo units hit the market, according to Jonathan Miller of real-estate appraisal firm Miller Samuel. (That's up from about 1,400 in 1999.) Most of the buzz has been reserved for the luxury mega-developments that have laid on as many amenities as Donald Trump lays off apprentices: think pet spas, robotic parking garages and meditation gardens.

At the same time, however, another type of building has discretely, yet decidedly, permeated Manhattan: small-scale developments of 20 units or fewer.

These so-called "boutique condos"- or condominis, as we like to call them - can be found in residential neighborhoods throughout Manhattan. Low on amenities - goodbye, concierge; see-ya, swimming pool - small buildings are nonetheless becoming more prevalent,