Commercial Emporium

"Commercial Emporium" was perhaps New York City's first nickname. "Commercial Emporium" was applied even earlier than "Gotham." The commercial nickname was popular during the Erie Canal days of the early 1800s and had faded by the late 1800s. It is not used today.

27 December 1806, Providence (RI) Gazette, pg. 2:
"I have from the Secretary of War the most solid assurance, that the Capital of your State, and the Commercial Emporium of the nation, shall be put in a respectable state of defence."

2 March 1808, Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, pg. 3:
And whereas the State of New York, holding the first commercial rank in the United States, possesses within herself the best route of communication between the Atlantic and western waters, by means of a canal between the tide waters of the Hudson river and Lake Erie, through which the wealth and trade of that large portion of the union bordering on the upper lakes, would for ever flow to our great commercial emporium.

8 September 1812, New-Hampshire Gazette, pg. 4:
Our commercial emporium, the great depot of the commodities and trade of more than one half of the United States, and the greatest mart of foreign commerce, will be exposed to plunder and contribution.

May 1817, The American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review, pg. 67:
The subject to which this publication relates, is of paramount importance to the state of New-York. The execution of this magnificent system of inland navigation, will treble the value of lands in the interior, and will, in a few years after its completion, render this city not only the greatest mart in America, but one of the first commercial emporiums in the world.

April 1826, North American Review, pg. 459:
The market of New York, it would appear, is the chief motive inspiring the hopes of the citizens of Ohio, in prosecuting this arduous work of connecting the river with the lake. "One great object," say the commissioners, "proposed by the construction of that canal, and probably the most important, is the opening of a direct and commodious channel of commerce, between the interior of our state and the great commercial emporium of America, where a safe, advantageous, and certain market can at all times be had for the surplus productions of our soil, and such commodities as are desired in return, can always be procured at the fairest rates, and in the greatest abundance."

19 April 1828, Saturday Evening Post, pg. 3:
We are in the receipt of papers from a very large number of towns and villages in the western part of New York, which speak of trade in a tone of confidence that would belong to the Commercial Emporium.