Coffice (coffeehouse + office)

A “coffice” (coffeehouse + office) is a place where one can get coffee, but also where one can set up a laptop computer and do office work. “Coffice” has been cited in print since at least 2008.
Bene Coffice – Smart and relaxed set up for integrated networking
Andrea Divirgilio / June 23, 2008
The moment I read the term Coffice, I immediately thought of coffee + office. ‘Coffee at office’ blends well and no nerd is going refuse this intoxicating aromatic brew when he/she is sitting on a Coffice while discussing some innovative projects. These days work has shifted out of those humdrum, teeny-weeny grayed cubicles to open lounges and more spacious and inviting surroundings. Targeting this trend, Bene has designed Coffice, an innovative furniture set-up for all areas where a relaxed information exchange is needed. The range comprises of an easy chair, sofa or a bench for waiting and communicating, together with computer and power connections for networking. Modest and uncomplicated, the Bene Coffice embodies Zeitgeist and internationality.
Urban Dictionary
A coffee shop one makes into an office where non-coffee shop work is performed.
“Hey Shane, I need to finish up this design comp by 5, so I’m going to head down to the coffice with the laptop and put the touches on there.”
by kevinwo December 09, 2008
Ethereal Mind
Network Dictionary – Coffice
5th April 2009 by Greg Ferro
COffice – definition: the name used to describe the pretence of working while sitting at a Coffee Shop. Prefereably with free wifi. As in “yes, darling, I’ll be down at the Coffice if you want me.
Brooklyn Based
09/27/10 8:24pm
Coffices–Coffee Shops for Working
by Brooklyn Based
Walk into a coffee shop in Brooklyn on a weekday morning and you might think you’re walking onto the set of a Macbook commercial, minus the cameras and lighting crew. Brooklyn is home to a huge mobile workforce of freelancers and people cobbling together several part-time gigs, and our coffee shops are filled with the accoutrements of the nomadic worker — laptops, cell phones and lattes.
There are plenty of coffee shops with wifi in Brooklyn, but not all of them are created equal. A place might have fast dependable internet, but nowhere to plug your computer in and bad coffee to boot. Another might have great coffee, wifi, and lots of outlets, but insufferable service and no light. One day, there will be full blown coffices, specifically designed for workers on the go with all the fixtures, plus printers, copiers, fax machines and sleep pods.
The Coffice™
1st post is up tomorrow a.m. Charlie Sheen might say something like, “I’m totally stoked!” (I totally am…)
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7:52 PM - 1 Mar 11
The Wire
The ‘Coffice’ Romance for Freelancers Without an Office
Ah, what is a freelancer to do about love, given all the working from home alone in a state of barely dressed disarray he or she tends to do—meaning that said freelancer doesn’t see anyone other than, maybe, a food delivery person or his or her own cat, on a regular basis? The New York Post sheds a ray of romantic light onto the particular relationship troubles of that set of independently employed individuals you may know. The answer is coffee. (The key for large portions of us, in fairness, is coffee.)
Dvora Meyers writes in the Post‘s expose on how freelancers are meeting at coffee shops nowadays, “Welcome to the ‘coffice’ [Ed: Cough]  romance — which is just like an office romance but without cubicles, water coolers and health insurance. It’s the sort of quasi-workplace flirtation and romance that takes place in a freelancer’s office away from the office — at the local cafe.”
The Guardian (UK)
The coffice: the future of work?
Still toiling away in a grey office building? Boring! According to BT’s ‘soonologist’, you’ll get more done with coffee, cake and connectivity

Posted on Sunday 5 January 2014 14.00 EST
Name: The coffice.
Age: As old as free Wi-Fi.
Appearance: Half coffee shop, half office. Hence the name.
Just a few words in and you’ve already lost me. It’s where all the cool kids work. Rather than commuting to a boring old office, they take their laptops to their local Starbucks or Costa, where they can …
Yap into their mobiles, hog the tables and wreck the atmosphere for anyone who just wants an espresso and a read of the papers? Well, yeah. But they can also surf the net, check their emails and access their Google Drives.
Sam Marshall
The coffice: the future of work? …  < probably a neologism we can do without. #digitalworplace

12:09 PM - 9 Jan 14
Goods and Services IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Providing business information via a web site ,online business networking services, online professional networking services, advertising and directory services namely promoting the services of others by providing a web page featuring links to the websites of others; on line business directories featuring entrepreneurial business promoting the business of others by disseminating discounts and coupons of others to their website visitors. FIRST USE: 20110301. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20110301
Design Search Code 01.15.24 - Sound waves, including designs depicting sound
11.03.01 - Glasses without stems
11.03.03 - Coffee cups
25.03.05 - Backgrounds covered with dots; Dotted backgrounds
26.01.17 - Circles, two concentric; Concentric circles, two; Two concentric circles
26.01.18 - Circles, three or more concentric; Concentric circles, three or more; Three or more concentric circles
Serial Number 85855726
Filing Date February 20, 2013
Current Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Owner (APPLICANT) Title, Sam INDIVIDUAL CANADA 3 Silverton Avenue Toronto CANADA M3H3E7
Attorney of Record Raj Abhyanker
Description of Mark Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of the wording “THE COFFICE,THE COFFICE ” in a circular seal separated with two dots, and a design of a disposable coffee cup with a symbol of wifi on it as shown in the mark.
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