CODESTINK or Code Stink (CODEPINK or Code Pink nickname)

CODEPINK (frequently spelled Code Pink) is an anti-war group—mostly, but not exclusively, women—that was formed in 2002. Critics of CODEPINK’s often aggressive tactics and politically left philosophy have dubbed it “CODESTINK” (or “Code Stink”) since at least January 2006.
Wikipedia: Code Pink
Code Pink: Women for Peace is an anti-war group that is mainly composed of women. It has regional offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, and Washington DC, and many more U.S. chapters as well as several worldwide. Code Pink describes itself as “a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities.”
With members wearing the group’s signature pink color, Code Pink has conducted marches, protests, and high-visibility publicity stunts in order to achieve its goals. Although women initiated and lead the group, men are welcome to participate at both the local and national level.
Code Pink was founded on October 2, 2002 by women activists Jodie Evans et al. Soon after its inception, Code Pink launched a 4-month vigil in front of the White House, beginning in November and culminating on March 8, International Women’s Day, with a 10,000-person march.
The name “Code Pink” is a play on the United States Department of Homeland Security’s color-coded alert system in which, for example, Code Orange and Code Red signify the highest levels of danger.
Babalu Blog
January 05, 2006
Ziva on the job….
She’s going after Global Exchange this time, the Mother Of All Sandalistas, and its phoney baloney efforts to launch ‘educational and cultural’ tours of castro’s island carcel.
She’s got the handy dandy phone contacts at the ready and you all know what happened last time she went after some slimebuckets - Code Pink decided to go to chavista paradise Venezuela instead of Cuba this time, tail between their communist legs.
Code Stink, the wonderful people that protest wounded veterans in hospitals. I don’t know those people. I don’t want to know those people. I wouldn’t let my dog - if I had one - have sex with one of them.
Posted by: Murel Bailey at January 5, 2006 09:09 AM
Headline Zone
Mike in da D
Jul 1 2006, 05:56 PM
On July 4th, Cindy Sheehan, Diane Wilson, Dick Gregory, and CODESTINK Co-Founders Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, and Gael Murphy are calling on people around the country to join the Troops Home Now Fast. This open-ended hunger strike aims to galvanize public attention, invigorate the peace movement, build pressure on elected officials, and get our troops back home FAST! If you would like to join them, I have the link below..
HOWEVER, I will not be participating with the Anti-American, Anti-Troop, Socialist scum on this day.
By Obummer
This photo was taken on May 22, 2007.
Code Stink
Code Stink: Fighting the Bush regime with PMS and bad fashion sense.
Cop The Truth
February 01, 2008
Stop the Traitors in Berkeley
The war continues against the Liberal anti-American nuts in Liberal strongholds like Berkeley and San Francisco.
The Berkeley City Council recently voted to call the U.S. Marines and their local recruiting station “uninvited and unwelcome guests.” The City Council also gave the nutjobs at CodeStink a parking place right in front of the station, with permission to protest the Marines presence. A few of the nuts even chained themselves to the doors there today, until finally being carted off by police.
Lonnie Walker’s Blog
Code Pink or Code Stink?
February 16, 2008 at 12:16 p
My Final Thoughts on Code Pink:  These ladies (and I’m using the term loosely) need to get a life.  If Susi (Madea Benjamin) was so fucking happy in Cuba, she should move there permanently.  Regardless of the fact that Fidel will either lock you up or kill you if you become a problem to him.  I dare Susi to schedule one of her code pink protests in Cuba.
Maser Media Blog
Codepink = Codestink
Jan 24, 2009 Conservatism In The USA
What kind of Americans are these people?  President Obama is pandering to his far left pals Codepink.
Ann’s Mega Dub
Monday, September 28, 2009
CODESTINK needs to take its group of irregulars and retire.
They have no credibility. Go away, Medea, far, far away.
Goods and Services IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Promoting public awareness of peace and social justice movement and redirection of resources into social welfare. FIRST USE: 20021010. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20021031
Trademark Search Facility Classification Code SHAPES-COLORS-1 Design listing or lined for a single color
Serial Number 77501179
Filing Date June 17, 2008
Current Filing Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Published for Opposition November 11, 2008
Registration Number 3567287
Registration Date January 27, 2009
Attorney of Record Irene Y. Lee
Description of Mark The color(s) pink is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of the word mark “CODEPINK” in pink.
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