“Coconut water tastes like water that’s already been in someone’s mouth”
Many people do not like coconut water. “Coconut water tastes like water that’s already been in someone’s mouth” is a saying that as been printed on many images. “‘Coconut water tastes like someone drank coconut water and spit it into my mouth’ - Mark Shrenko“ was posted on Twitter by Katie Willert on April 12, 2011.
“Coconut water: For people that enjoy water that tastes like it has already been inside someone else’s mouth” was posted on Twitter by alexia quinn on May 5, 2013. “Coconut water tastes like water that has already been in someone else’s mouth” was posted on Reddit—Showerthoughts on June 15, 2018.
Katie Willert
“Coconut water tastes like someone drank coconut water and spit it into my mouth” - Mark Shrenko
5:14 PM · Apr 12, 2011·TweetDeck
Believably Bad
Coconut water tastes like someone sneezed in your mouth.
11:38 AM · Dec 7, 2012·Twitter Web Client
alexia quinn
Coconut water: For people that enjoy water that tastes like it has already been inside someone else’s mouth.
3:03 PM · May 5, 2013·Favstar.FM
Emily Gage
Replying to @iSmashFizzle
@iSmashFizzle: Coconut water tastes like it’s already been in someone’s mouth.”
2:17 AM · Jul 8, 2014·Twitter for iPhone
coconut water tastes like water that’s already been in everyone else’s mouth
6:02 PM · Sep 1, 2014·Twitter for iPhone
Replying to @simonefiasco
“@simonefiasco: One of you said coconut water tastes like it’s already been in someone else’s mouth” 😩😂☺️😂😂 so true
9:50 PM · Sep 7, 2014·Twitter for iPhone
yet another Emily (on indefinite hiatus)
Replying to @deray
Wish I could remember who said coconut water tastes like it’s already been in someone else’s mouth.
11:14 AM · Aug 27, 2016·Twitter Web Client
Man of the Decade
Coconut water tastes like it’s been in someone’s mouth already
12:10 PM · Mar 15, 2017·Twitter Web Client
Man of the Decade
Coconut water tastes like water that’s been in someone’s mouth already
12:16 AM · Jun 10, 2018·Twitter for Android
Posted by u/[deleted] June 15, 2018
Coconut water tastes like water that has already been in someone else’s mouth.
Steve Patton
Coconut water tastes like it was in someone else’s mouth first.
1:40 PM · Jun 20, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
coconut water tastes like water that has already been in someones mouth.
2:07 PM · Oct 16, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
Posted by u/spam_sister October 22, 2019
Coconut water taste like water thats already been in someones mouth
Its so freaken gross. The first time i tried it, i gagged and nearly threw up. Alot of people are big fans of it but tbh if you like coconut water and drink that stuff everyday, you have the weirdest flex when it comes to your drink selection.
Kayla Braxton
Can’t get behind coconut water. It tastes like water that’s already been in someone’s mouth.
4:35 PM · Feb 4, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Replying to @OlDirtyLu @sonuvafitch and 3 others
Coconut water tastes like water that’s been in someone else’s mouth.
10:31 PM · Feb 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone