Climatard (climate + retard)

“Global warming” or “climate change” has its supporters, but also has those who think it’s bunk. The derogatory nickname “climatard” (climate + retard) has been cited in print since at least December 2008.
Similar terms for an environmental activist include “ecotard,” “envirotard,” “enviromarxist,” “environazi,” “enviroweenie,” “tree-hugger” and “greeniac.”
Similar political terms using “retard” (or “-tard”) include “Retardican” (since January 1996),  “sheeptard” (since March 1999),“Republitard” (since April 2002), “neotard” (since May 2002), “rightard” (since January 2003), “patriotard” (since April 2003), “Demotard” (since July 2003), “libtard” (since July 2004), “GOPtard” (since July 2004), “leftard” (since August 2004), “wingtard” (since October 2004), “conservatard” (since November 2005),  “truthtard” (since October 2006), “Muzztard”(since December 2006), “teatard” (since March 2009), “crumbtard” (since May 2011), “occutard” (since October 2011) and unitard” (since August 2016).
Flopping Aces
Yes, they really were “just words”
By: Wordsmith  
December 21, 2008 at 8:46 p.m.
Craig says:
He is definitely moving to the extreme left with is Globaloney (like Mike calls it). He is a climatard idiot.
Musings of a Vast Right-Winger
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The article below is from the U.K.Telegraph. It shows what most people already know: Global warming is a fraud. The only people who do not know global warming is a fraud are the followers of the dope with the sign “Office of the President Elect”.
Doug Ross @ Journal
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Gore Effect strikes again! Giant DC snowstorm, bizarre cold temps to greet ‘largest public protest of global warming ever in U.S.’
The ‘Gore Effect’ strikes again: this time Mother Nature will sabotage NASA’s token crackpot James Hansen.
Hansen, of course, is the same Climatard (I hear that’s the term they prefer) who calls for “civil disobedience” to protest the use of coal.
01-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Where are the climatards this week?
Record freezing temperatures deep into southern Florida, record cold and snow elsewhere (except Southern California), more snow coverage on the ground Christmas day in the US than there ever has been since they started counting….
Google Finance: Discussions for DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE INDEX
From: Sweatsock

Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 05:39:45 -0800 (PST)
Local: Thurs, Feb 11 2010 8:39 am
Subject: Re: Wonderdunce calls global warming studies ‘snake oil science.’
Well this is another area where she has proven to be smarter than you.  Those climatards have proven to be LIARS just like Obama.
Doug Ross @ Journal
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Climatards Who Should Lead by Example: the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
In the spirit of true progressive delirium, consider the website, home of “The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.”
May 14th, 2010 07:28 PM
Al Gore’s New $9 Million Home in California
Don’t you love these hypocritical Climatards? (That’s the term they prefer, I hear).