Clean Vote

A “clean vote” is a straight “up-or-down” (“yea-or-nay”) vote on an issue. Sometimes a bill is blocked by Congressional procedures, or amendments are added to a bill, that change or defeat the purpose of the proposed legislation. The term “clean vote” has been cited in print since at least 1978.
Another definition of “clean vote” is a vote that is clean of voter fraud.
Wikipedia: Up or down vote
An up or down vote refers to a direct vote in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate on an amendment or bill; it is sometimes referred to as a “clean vote”. Members vote yea or nay on the matter rather than voting on a related procedural maneuver. Depending upon the rules of order for that particular type of amendment or bill, the vote required for passage might be a 2/3 majority, a 3/5 majority, or a simple majority.
31 August 1978, Lewiston (ME) Daily Sun, “Referendum Fight over Tax Issue Is Threatened” by Peter Slocum, pg. 1, col. 2:
The Maine Tax Limitation Committee, urging a constitutional spending cap on state and local governments, wants a “clean vote” on its proposal at the November general election, said Robert Chatice, the committee’s executive director and chief lobbyist.
19 March 1984, Rockford (IL) i>Register Star, “Reagan faces close Senate vote on school prayer,” pg. 6A, cols. 3-4:
The Senate on Thursday rejected, 81-15, a proposal that would have permitted only silent prayer in public schools. But both sides said that was not a true test of sentiment on the issue, as many senators wanted Reagan to have a clean vote on his proposal for audible prayer.
New York (NY) Times
Bill Prices Fall on Debt-Ceiling Fears
Published: October 28, 1989
Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, the Republican leader, said Republicans would favor a ‘‘clean’’ debt limit bill if Democrats would assure them an opportunity on other legislation for a ‘‘clean’’ vote to cut the capital gains tax. ‘‘Give us a vote up or down, that’s our strategy,’’ Mr. Dole said, referring to his party’s demand that the vote occur on the substance of the tax-cut proposal rather than on a procedural maneuver where a super-majority of 60 would be needed.
12 February 1994, Milwaukee (WI) Journal-Sentinel, “Kunicki plan on school aid hits a nerve” by Dave Daley:
Kunicki (D-Milwaukee), however, says he wants a “clean vote” on his bill next Tuesday and will oppose any amendments, whether from Republicans or Democrats.
26 April 1996, Washington (DC) Times, “Add-on of wage item fails in House”:
Edward M. Kennedy explained that Democrats are insisting on having “an up-or-down, clean vote on the minimum wage. “
20 May 1996, USA Today, “Dole planning a tax cut, pondering balanced budget” by Judy Keen, pg. 5A:
Democrats want a “clean” vote on increasing the minimum wage by 90 cents over two years.
24 September 1999, Atlanta (GA) Journal-Constitution, “Ga.‘s Norwood demands a vote on medical rights,” pg. B6:
Flanked by two dozen lawmakers of both political parties, Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-Ga.) demanded Thursday that Republican leaders allow a “clean vote” on his legislation to overhaul managed care.
By a “clean vote,” Norwood means a straight up-or-down vote on legislation he has crafted with Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.).
New York (NY) Times
Workers Held Hostage
Published: February 19, 2002
But the hard men of the House leadership refuse to allow a clean vote on unemployment benefits. Instead they continue to insist that it’s their way or no way: they won’t allow a vote on benefits extension except as part of a bill that mainly consists of tax cuts for corporations and families in upper tax brackets, pretty much identical to the failed stimulus bills of the fall. And they rammed that bill through last Thursday.
New York (NY) Times   
Published: August 14, 2005
That means an up-or-down vote on substance is roughly synonymous with a recorded yea-or-nay vote, a roll-call vote and — also in informal usage — a clean vote. It is distinct from a vote on procedure, like a motion to table, to recommit, to amend an amendment or to end debate in a filibuster.
Service Employees International Union
JULY 29, 2006
10:15 AM
Statement by SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger Urging “Clean Vote” On Minimum Wage Legislation In Congress
WASHINGTON - July 29 -
“A majority of Americans and a majority of lawmakers in Washington say they support a minimum wage increase. Unfortunately, Republican leaders in Congress are using gimmicks and stall tactics to deny our lowest wage earners a needed raise.
“Republican leaders must stop their gimmicks and allow a clean vote to increase the minimum wage to $7.25 without harmful amendments and unrealistic demands that will only hurt minimum wage earners more.

28 February 2007, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, “Pinellas declines $6.1M for teachers” by Thomas C. Tobin, pg. 1A:
“I think we needed to take a clean vote to say up or down.”
The Hill
‘Clean’ vote on debt limit set to trap Dems
By Russell Berman - 05/24/11 07:10 PM ET
House Republicans will hold a symbolic vote next week to pressure Democrats into accepting deep spending cuts in exchange for lifting the $14.3 trillion debt limit.
The move, announced Tuesday in a closed-door conference meeting, is designed to show President Obama and Senate Democrats that Congress will not unconditionally grant the government more borrowing authority.
The measure will be a “clean” vote on raising the debt limit, meaning it does not include corresponding spending cuts.