Citiot (city + idiot)

A “citiot” (city + idiot) is someone from the city (most commonly New York City) who spends time in the country or in a summer residence. The term “citiot” is very popular in the Hamptons and is the reverse label of “country bumpkin,” “rube,” “yokel,” and “hick (from the sticks).”
“Citiot” has been cited in print since at least 1997 and 1998.
Urban Dictionary
More commonly from New York City, citiots venture out to their summer homes in the Hamptons from Memorial Day to Labor Day. They usually have fancy cars and are usually wealthy. They drive like they own the place, and they walk around town and in stores like they own them too. Citiots are very snobbish. See also snob
by cheesemonsta Jul 28, 2008
People from New York City that like to come out the the Hamptons in the summer and act like they own the place. THEY CAN’T DRIVE AND SHOULDN’T.
Google Books
First We Quit Our Jobs:
How One Work Driven Couple Got on the Road to a New Life

By Marilyn J. Abraham
New York, NY: Dell Pub.
Pg. ?:
Paranoid citiots. (That’s short for city-idiots, as a someone I know once referred to the summer people in his beach community.)
Google Groups: alt.hi-po.mopars
May 30 2001
That’s why out here in the boonies, we call them “citiots” (city + idiot)
19 July 2001, Wichita (KS) Eagle, “Are other towns’ drivers rude, or is this reader just a bad driver?”, pg. 1B:
“Clearwater has a bunch of neophyte Wichita ‘citiot’ transplants (wanna-be country folk)—hateful, angry yuppies in SUVs who will tailgate, run your off the road, ...
New York magazine
I, Citiot
A move upstate promised a real house, decent public schools, all the trappings of the normal life we just couldn’t pull off in the city. Perhaps you’ve dreamed of it, too. The difference is, we actually did it — and it proved to be anything but normal.

By Karen Schoemer
Published Mar 25, 2007
In preparation for my move to Columbia County I sent an e-mail to friends.
I had better luck with the assistant teacher. She occasionally yelled at the kids and talked straight with the parents. It was from her that I learned my new social standing. I overheard her mention that she had New York weekenders living on her road. She said her husband called them “citiots.”
“Hey!” I protested. “I’m a citiot.”
Newsweek magazine
The Anger Is Blowing In The Wind
Nov 3, 2007 10:38 AM EDT
For cash-strapped farmers with plenty of open land, wind-energy turbines offer a sorely needed windfall. But “not in my backyard” clashes are arising throughout the East and mid-Atlantic regions, pitting local farmers against “citiots”—people who “buy a second home and affect community decisions by being there two days a week,” says Frank Masaino, spokesman for a mid-Atlantic coalition of wind developers.
New York (NY) Post
9 ways not to be a city slicker when spending time in the Hudson Valley
Last Updated: 3:57 AM, April 28, 2012
Posted: 10:07 PM, April 27, 2012
So the ink is dry on your upstate rental agreement, or your friends tossed you the keys to their cabin. Congrats. Here are some tips from a longtime Rhinebeck resident — and cabdriver — on how to blend in with the Hudson Valley locals so they won’t call you a “citiot.”
Business Insider
A Hamptons Handyman Tweets Out The Hilarious And Absurd Requests He Gets From ‘Citiots’ Every Summer
Lisa Du|Jun. 5, 2012, 2:41 PM
As a third generation East Hamptons native who has to deal with the hordes of people from the city that invade the idyllic Hamptons towns every summer, it’s no surprise that Joe Schwenk is not fond of “citiots” (figure out what that means yourself).