Circle of Liberty

The term “circle of liberty” means those people who are encompassed by liberty; those outside of the circle do not have liberty. “The wider we make the common circle of liberty, the more of its friends will it receive, and the stronger will be the common interest” was cited in a 1761 book by David Gregory. The American presidents James A. Garfield and George W. Bush both used “circle of liberty” in speeches.
Conservative radio talk show host and author Mark Levin popularized “circle of liberty” in 2012, both in his book Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America and on radio and television shows. Levin said that the “circle of liberty” was getting smaller under President Barack Obama.
Google Books
A Treatise of Practical Geometry:
In Three Parts

By David Gregory
Edinburgh: Printed by Hamilton, Balfour, and Neill
Pg. 183:
The wider we make the common circle of liberty, the more of its friends will it receive, and the stronger will be the common interest.
Google Books
Stories and Sketches of Gen. Garfield
Edited by James Baird McClure
Chicago, IL: Rhodes & McClure, Publishers
Pg. 88:
“The Republican party came to deliver and save the Republic. It entered the arena when the beleaguered and assailed Territories were struggling for freedom, and drew around them the sacred circle of liberty, which the demon of slavery has never dared to cross. It made them free forever.”
Google News Archive
19 January 1960, Meriden (CT) Journal, “Civil Liberties And The Criminal” (editorial), pg. 6, col. 2:
Liberty is liberty only as long as it to all of society. A narrowing circle of liberty is not liberty at all. for it becomes a privilege and privilege subject to the caprice of .
2 January 1987, Washington (DC) Post, “Crowd Remembers ‘63 March; King’s Dream Evoked in Ceremony at Memorial” by Douglas Stevenson, pg. A3:
Under an overcast sky, Galvin told the gathering that because of King’s work “the circle of liberty has more people in it now.”
President Bush’s address to UN General Assembly
Posted: 2004/09/20
From: Federal News Service
Welcome to New York City. And welcome to the United States of America. During the past three years, I’ve addressed this General Assembly in a time of tragedy for our country, and in times of decision for all of us. Now we gather at a time of tremendous opportunity for the U.N., and for all peaceful nations. For decades the circle of liberty and security and development has been expanding in our world. This progress has brought unity to Europe, self-government to Latin America and Asia and new hope to Africa. Now we have the historic chance to widen the circle even further, to fight radicalism and terror with justice and dignity, to achieve a true peace, founded on human freedom.
Pfister Success Team (Real Estate)
Mark Levin’s Ameritopia, a Snippet for Liberals
February 19th, 2012
From Mark Levin’s Ameritopia page 188:
Montesquieu warned of government’s threat to civil society unless it follows a moderate course. “May we be left as we are, said a gentleman of [a republican government]. Nature repairs everything” Tocqueville believed that America had, effect, heeded Montesquieu’s counsel. “Nothing more striking to a European traveler in the United States than the absence of what we term government, or the administration….The administrative power in the United States presents nothing either centralized or hierarchical in its constitution; this accounts for its passing unperceived….”
However, that was then. America has been transitioning from a society based on God given inalienable rights protective of the individual and community sovereignty to a centralized, administrative statism that has become a power unto itself. It appears nearly everywhere as a dominant fixture and intrusive force in daily life. If its interventions are with limits, the limits are increasingly difficult to define. The circle of liberty, which was once expansive, and within which the individual was largely unmolested in his manner and pursuits, is shrinking rapidly as less and less an area is left for him to live without torment.
Daily Rushbo
September 20, 2012
Hannity Interviews Levin: The Circle Of Liberty Is Getting Tighter And Tighter
Doug Ross @ Journal
STATISM TODAY: Maryland County Bans Soda
As Mark Levin is fond of saying, the circle of liberty surrounding each of us seems to grow smaller by the day.—Big Journalism
by TONY LEE 27 Feb 2013
Levin said, in general, the “circle of liberty” was “getting tighter” and the individual was “losing liberty in this country gradually but steadily.”