“Choking Poster” in restaurants

Remember the "choking poster"?

Do you still see it at restaurants? It's in some out-of-the-way place and looks really old and kinda yellow, right? The poster that no one reads?

The purpose of the "choking poster" (that sounds like some internet slang, but it isn't) was to teach the Heimlich maneuver to restaurant customers and to prevent people from choking on food.

But now it's just an eyesore. Has it ever helped anybody? The city council should order these useless, fading eyesores removed!

Mad "Choking" Poster ... Mad "Choking" Poster EST, $25.00. This poster was made in the early 1980's as a parody of the Heimlich maneuver poster, which was popular around that ...
www.collectmad.com/auction2/Items/162.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

9 March 1979, New York Times, "Restaurant Posts Aid for Choking," pg. A18:
Yesterday, in a French restaurant on the East Side, the first "choking poster" was put up under a law passed by the City Council last December. The poster explains the so-called Heimlich maneuver: A choking victim is grasped from behind and pressure is exerted on his stomach.
The first poster was tacked up at Le Perigord, 405 East 52d Street. A Health Department aide explained that this was arranged to accommodate television crews and was not because anyone had ever choked in the restaurant.