Chile Stand (Chili Stand); Tamale Stand

Many websites describe a “San Antonio Chili Stand” that was on display at Chicago’s 1893 Columbian Exposition (World’s Fair). Chile (chili) stands and tamale stands were popular in San Antonio by the 1880s.
Wikipedia: Chili con carne
“San Antonio Chili Stand” was in operation at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago, which helped spread a taste for chili to other parts of the country. San Antonio was a significant tourist destination and helped Texas-style chili con carne spread throughout the South and West.
31 October 1879, Galveston (TX) Daily News, pg. 7, col. 4:
The first thing was to obtain rations, so Don Diego de Trespalacios levied a prestama (forced loan) of three tamales on a tamale stand on the plaza de las Armas.This high-handed act, which was carried out amid tumultuous shouts, VIva la constitucion! Dios y libertad! was resented by the keeper of the said tamale stand, who whooped vigorously for federal interference.
(Chihuahua, Mexico—ed.)
16 September 1885, Galveston (TX) Daily News, pg. 4, col. 3:
SAN ANTONIO, September 15.—The Mexicans, unhappily, have disagreed as to where they will celebrate the anniversary of Mexican independence. (...) The scene is almost oriental in many respects with tamale and chile stands and booths for Mexican goods, dotted about over the ground, and the music and dancing.
30 July 1886, San Antonio (TX) Daily Express, pg. 5, col. 1:
Amado Luna, who was released yesterday from the county convict camp, where he had just completed the term of his sentence, got into a row with the keeper of a chili stand and was arrested by Constable Krempkau but released by Justice Crawford on Furnishing a $200 appearance bond.
8 December 1886, San Antonio (TX) Daily Express, pg. 5, col. 4:
Bonifacio Salazar, a Mexican who runs El Globo Potosino restaurant, and also a chile stand on Military plaza, is in a bushel of trouble.
11 December 1889, San Antonio (TX) Daily Light, pg. 7, col. 2:
The Alamo Plaza, with its fine block pavement and splendid public buildings is becoming the most select open space in our city. The city will, no doubt in time, sod the ground in the circle and this relieve the eye of the unsightly pile of dirt. But there is needed some police regulations about the tamale stands which are still permitted to occupy the square.