“Cheese makers have many expenses in curd”

“Cheese makers have many expenses in curd (incurred)“is an infrequently told cheese pun. The pun was a “Pun of the Day” on Yahoo! Groups on April 30, 2002.
Yahoo! Groups
Puns of the Day: 04/30/02
Stan Kegel
Cheese makers have many expenses in curd. (Pun of the Day)
Yahoo! Groups
Puns of the Day 06-02-05
Stan Kegel
Cheese makers have many expenses in curd. But they really know how to make a lot of grate cheeses. (Mike Bull)
Charles White
@MistyMontano Cheese makers have many expenses in curd.
2:51 PM - 21 Aug 2009
Cheese makers have many expenses in curd.
8:02 AM - 30 Apr 2011
John Pointon
Twitterpun : Cheese makers have many expenses in curd. #pun ‘humour
2:15 AM - 9 May 2012
Puns of The Day
Cheese makers have many expenses in curd.
4:32 PM - 24 Dec 2013
Randy Beal
September 16, 2015 ·
Cheese makers have many expenses in curd.