Cemetery Belt (Glendale)

Glendale in Queens has been called the "Cemetery Belt." Glendale began to be surrounded by cemeteries after Manhattan stopped added cemeteries in 1852.


Zip Code 11385

Community Board 5

First known as Fresh Ponds, Glendale, like its close neighboring community, Ridgewood, was largely settled by German farmers. It got its name from George S. Schott who named it for his hometown in Ohio.

When Manhattan banned the building of additional cemeteries in 1852 Glendale became surrounded by cemeteries in what is called the Cemetery Belt. There are possibly more gravesites in the area than residents.

An 1852 law that banned cemeteries in Manhattan caused cemetery owners to cast their eyes toward Queens. Many cemeteries encircle Glendale in what was known as the "Cemetery Belt."

The Name: In 1860, a large slice of Fresh Ponds was acquired by George S. Schott. He renamed it Glendale after his Ohio hometown. Nine years later developer John C. Schooley adopted the name for his 469-lot development.

Turning Points: Starting in 1852 when a law banned future cemeteries in Manhattan, Glendale became surrounded by cemeteries in what is known as the Cemetery Belt.