“Coffee (noun): The glue holding this shitshow together”
"Alcohol/ Beer/ Bourbon/ Coffee/ Gin/ Liquor/ Red wine/ Tequila/ Vodka/ Wine (noun): The glue holding this shitshow together" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The various…
"Alcohol/ Beer/ Bourbon/ Coffee/ Gin/ Liquor/ Red wine/ Tequila/ Vodka/ Wine (noun): The glue holding this shitshow together" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The various…
"Friday & Coffee are my two favorite words" (or "Coffee & Friday are my two favorite words") is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Friday! Coffee!…
"Coffee & Vitamin Sea are food for the soul" is a saying that has been printed on several images (showing a coffee cup/pot by a body of water). "#Coffee and Vitamin #Sea are Food…
"Coffee and friends are/make the perfect blend" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. " Coffee and Friends Are The Perfect Blend" was posted on Twitter by MN…
"Coffee and friends are/make the perfect blend" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. " Coffee and Friends Are The Perfect Blend" was posted on Twitter by MN…
"Coffee and friends are/make the perfect blend" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. " Coffee and Friends Are The Perfect Blend" was posted on Twitter by MN…
"Coffee and friends are/make the perfect blend" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. " Coffee and Friends Are The Perfect Blend" was posted on Twitter by MN…
"Coffee and love are best when they are hot" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Coffee and love taste best when hot" has also been printed on many images.…
"Coffee and love are best when they are hot" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Coffee and love taste best when hot" has also been printed on many images.…
"First coffee and then the world" (or "Coffee and then the world") is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. "first coffee, then the world" was posted…
"Coffee because adulting is hard" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. "I drink coffee because adulting is hard. Without it, I'm basically a 2 year old whose…
"Coffee because it’s Monday" is a Monday saying that has been printed on many images. Monday is the traditional start of the work week. "Time for coffee. Because it's…
"Coffee because no great story ever started with someone drinking water" was posted on X/Twitter by Death Wish Coffee Co. on July 18, 2020. “Alcohol - Because no good story starts with…
"Coffee break's over! Back on your heads!" is the punchline of a popular joke. A man is sent to hell and the devil gives him three alternatives. The first two are terrifying. In the…
"Coffee completes me" is a one-line coffee saying that has been printed on many images. "Yum. Stone Creek coffee completes me" was posted on Twitter on April 21, 2008.…
"Coffee does so much for us and asks for nothing in return" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many coffee mugs. The mugs have been atDenny's (an American table service…
"Coffee does so much for us and asks for nothing in return" is a coffee saying that has been printed on many coffee mugs. The mugs have been atDenny's (an American table service…
"Coffee doesn't ask silly questions. Coffee understands" and "Coffee doesn't ask me stupid questions in the morning. Be more like coffee" are coffee sayings that have…
"Coffee doesn't ask silly questions. Coffee understands" and "Coffee doesn't ask me stupid questions in the morning. Be more like coffee" are coffee sayings that have…
"Coffee doesn't ask silly questions. Coffee understands" and "Coffee doesn't ask me stupid questions in the morning. Be more like coffee" are coffee sayings that have…