“Cash is the currency of freedom”

The 21st century began with a “war on cash,” as electronic transactions were encouraged. American economist Lawrence Summers favored eliminating the $100 bill.
Mike Adams of the blog Natural News said on the Alex Jones Radio Show on September 24, 2012, that “cash is the currency of freedom.”
Glenn Harlan Reynolds, an American law professor and the publisher of the blog Instapundit, wrote a piece in USA Today on February 29, 2016, titled “Cash is the currency of freedom.” Reynolds strongly disagreed with Summers:
“Cash has a lot of virtues. One of them is that it allows people to engage in voluntary transactions without the knowledge or permission of anyone else. Governments call this suspicious, but the rest of us call it something else: Freedom.”
Cash is the currency of Crime & Freedom together.
6:43 PM - 9 Feb 2012
Rogelio Morfin
Cash is the currency of freedom.
12:18 AM - 25 Sep 2012
Before It’s News
“Cash Is The Currency of Freedom”
Posted on September 24, 2012 by Michael Patrick McCarty
The title quote is by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Taken from the Alex Jones Radio Show, September 24, 2012.
I cannot help but agree with Mr. Adams.
The use of cash as payment for common goods is not only being frowned upon, but is more strongly discouraged every day. In fact, the steady and unconstitutional criminalization of a once ordinary and harmless act like this is fast becoming the “new normal”.
USA Today
Glenn Reynolds: Cash is the currency of freedom
Glenn Harlan Reynolds 8:01 a.m. EST February 29, 2016
As Fed inflates away dollar’s value, government gains more control to manipulate taxpayers and savers.
Former Treasury secretary Larry Summers wants to get rid of the $100 bill. But I think he has it exactly backward. I think we need to restore the $500 and $1000 bills. And the reason is that people like Larry Summers have done a horrible job.
Cash has a lot of virtues. One of them is that it allows people to engage in voluntary transactions without the knowledge or permission of anyone else. Governments call this suspicious, but the rest of us call it something else: Freedom.
Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors.
Zero Hedge
Law Professor Slams Summers: “Cash Is The Currency Of Freedom”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/29/2016 21:07 -0500
By Glenn Harlan Reyonds, aka Instapundit, a University of Tennessee law professor, originally posted on USA Today
Cash Is The Currency Of Freedom
As Fed inflates away dollar’s value, government gains more control to manipulate taxpayers and savers